Samuel Lucky Noel

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister


Assistant Editor, The Cumberland Presbyterian
January 11, 1923 - June 24, 1926

Editor, The Cumberland Presbyterian
July 1, 1926 - June 30, 1932



Bro. S. L. Noel is now pastor of the McKenzie Church, and he and his family are at home in the splendid manse near the church.

The McKenzie Cumberland Presbyterian Church of 1932, with its 222 members, is quite a contrast to the organization in 1869, of nine members. Rev. John M. Davis was the organizer and first pastor. Following him have been many prominent men in the early days of the church, including the Rev. B. G. Mitchell, Rev. Allen Faust who served at two different times, and Dr. S. H. Braly. Since 1913 the church has had the following pastors: Rev. J. W. Dishman, B. J.Reagin, J. H. Thomas, E. K. Reagin, supply, and D. W. Perry.

The church has a well-organized Sunday school with an average attendance of about 125. The young people are organized into two Christian Endeavors: the Intermediates and the Seniors, both of which are active in denominational and presbyterial young people's work. Following the prayer meeting of this week the young people are planning to organize a young people's choir to serve in the work of the congregation. The young people are also active in providing a church home for the students who attend Bethel College.

Dr. B. C. Gallimore, a member of the denominational board of education, is the clerk of the session.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, July 14, 1932, cover]



Our pastor's beloved daughter, Gladys Noel, departed this life on December 13, 1935. She was born November 24, 1902, being 33 years of age at her death. She was the oldest child of Rev. S. L. Noel and Pearl Noel. She leaves to mourn her passing her father and mother, the father being in the fourth years of his pastorate of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at McKenzie, Tenn.; two brothers, Holland and Boone, and one sister, Mrs. Elise Varley, all of Nashville, Tenn.; and one grandmother, Mrs. L. T. Holland, of Dyer, Tenn.

To say that Gladys was thoughtful and attentive in her home, to her friends, and in all spheres of life is but to speak the truth of one whom we all esteemed highly.

It was my privilege to be her teacher, and she was a faithful, conscientious pupil.

Perhaps her light shone no brighter than in the family circle. Several years ago Mrs. Noel was hurt in an auto accident and has since been a partial cripple. Gladys has been a stay and comfort to her mother and to the other members of the family.

For over a year her health has been poor but, although the family remonstrated with her to take more care of herself, she daily let her great energy go beyond her strength. While she was on her bed a few days, the doctor had promised if at all advisable, she might get up for Christmas, so the end came rather unexpectedly. She was joyously anticipating December 25, but her joy was with the angelic hosts of heaven, leaving sadness and the vacant chair in the earthly home.

Her funeral was held in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at McKenzie, Tenn. by the writer and by Rev. D. W. Fooks of Nashville, Tenn. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at Bells Chapel, funeral services there, being held by Rev. E. K. Reagin and by Rev. O. D. Spence, pastor of Bells Chapel.
--J. W. Dishman.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 20, 1936, page 15]


Noel to Lead Devotional for Veteran Ministers

A former editor of THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN, Rev. Sam L. Noel, Savannah, Tenn., will be leader of the devotional at the Veteran Ministers Fellowship on May 3. The meeting will be held in Memphis May 2-4, and all the veteran ministers of the denomination will be provided lodging and meals without charge during their visit.

The devotional leader was assistant editor of the denomination's weekly from 1923 to 1926 when he became editor, a position in which he served until 1932.

Chairman of the Veteran Ministers Fellowship is Rev. C. A. Davis and he is urging that presbyteries aid their veteran preachers to attend this meeting by providing their travel expenses.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, April 4, 1950, page 4]


PICTURED above are the veteran ministers attending the Veteran Ministers Fellowship held in Memphis May 2, 3, 4.
Front row: Rev. G. G. Halliburton, Clifton, Tenn.; Rev. C. A. Davis, Memphis; Rev. L. B. McCaslin, Mansfield, Mo.; Rev. George A. Lyle, Springville, Ala; and Rev. G. W. Thompson, Fayetteville, Ark.
Back row: Rev. Sam L. Noel, Savannah, Tenn.; and Rev. Y. Whitfield, Pineville, Ark.
The Fellowship was formally organized with Rev. C. A. Davis, president, and Rev. G. G. Halliburton, vice-president.

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, June 6, 1950, page 3]


Rev. Dr. S. L. Noel, retired pastor, preacher, author, and former editor of THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN, died on January 20 following a month's illness. He was 81. (Note: A news item on page 4 of this issue reporting Dr. Noel's improvement was printed the day of his death).

The funeral was held January 22 with Rev. E. C. Cross of Dyersburg, Tenn. officiating. A memorial service for him was conducted in McKenzie, Tenn. at the annual denominational minister's conference in session at the time of his death by Rev. C. Ray Dobbins.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 27, 1959, page 3]


FORMER EDITOR DIES--Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Noel, 81, who was a pastor, author, preacher, and former editor of THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN, died January 20 and the funeral was held on January 22 at Rutherford, Tenn. Conducting the service was Rev. E. C. Cross of Dyersburg, Tenn., assisted by Rev. S. F. Lovitt, and Rev. Earl Roberts.

Dr. Noel had lived in retirement with his wife at his farm home in the Bells Chapel community for the past six years.

He had held pastorates in Cumberland Presbyterian churches at Marshall, Texas, and in Tennessee: Greeneville, McKenzie, and West Union, Brighton.

He was editor of THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN and also did general editing of Sunday school material at the Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House in Nashville for ten years, 1923 to 1932. Two years ago Bethel College conferred on him the Doctor of Divinity degree.

He was author of two books, "The Ministers Handbook," and "Dictators Cannot Win," the latter book having been written at the time Hitler was at the height of his power.

Surviving him are his wife and two sons, Holland Noel of Nashville, and Boone Noel of Atlanta, and one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Varley, of Columbus, Ohio.
]Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 3, 1959, page 4]


On motion the Presbytery extended an invitation to any one desiring to converse with the Presbytery with reference to an internal call to the work of the Gospel ministry, and at the request of the Moderator, Rev. P. F. Johnson extended the call, whereupon Samuel Noel, of Bell's Chapel, came forward, and after relating his experience and conversing with the Presbytery he was received under its care and a text assigned him from which to prepare and read a discourse at the next meeting. Text: Rom., fifth chapter and tenth verse. (March 18, 1908)
[Source: Minutes of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 17-19, 1908, page 4]

S. L. Noel - Candidate - Obion Presbytery
Candidate Present - S. L. Noel
Report on Examination and Theology: Your committee desire to offer at this time the following recommendations, viz: That candidates S. L. Noel and Jamie McLeskey be licensed at close of sermon to-night and that the Moderator preside during the licensing of these brethren.
The hour having arrived for the licensing of Jamie McLeskey and S. L. Noel, the Moderator propounded the usual questions and Rev. J. H. Thomas led the prayer and the above named young men were duly licensed. (September 16, 1908)
The Committee on Literature and Theology made report No. 2 and on motion it was adopted and its recommendations concurred in and is as follows: Your committee report that two members of the committee, viz: Rev. J. L. Hudgins and Rev. P. F. Johnson, met the following members of the class of probationers at 10 a.m. on the 15th inst: J. A. Brown, Jamie McLeskey, S. L. Noel and W. R. Thomas. The class was examined on church history and the English Bible and showed commendable progress.
We recommend that S. L. Noel and W. E. Grimes prepare for examination preparatory to ordination at the next meeting of the Presbytery. This examination will include the course required by our Confession of Faith. ...
The Committee on Pastorates and Supplies read report and on motion same was adopted and recommendations concurred in and is as follows: ... New Bethlehem asks for the services of Rev. S. L. Noel for one-fourth time, and Bethlehem asks for the services of Rev. S. L. Noel at $125 each.
Presbyterial Directory: Licentiate S. L. Noel, Rutherford, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 15-17, 1908, pages 1, 6, 14, 20 & 21]

Licentiate present - S. L. Noel
Report of Committee on Literature and Theology: Licentiate S. L. Noel was also before the committee in accordance with an order of the Presbytery six months ago, and upon examination we find that he has met the requirements of our educational standard and we recommend that he be ordained to the full work of the ministry during this session. . . . We recommend the ordination of Rev. S. L. Noel at the evening services of to-day, that Rev. J. B. Oakley preach the sermon, Rev. J. L. Hudgins to preside.
Rev. J. B. Oakley delivered a special sermon on "The Final Perseverance of the Saints," John 17:12, after which Edward R. Smoot was licensed to preach, Rev. P. F. Johnson presiding for that purpose, following which licentiate S. L. Noel was duly ordained and set apart to the full work of the ministry, Rev. J. L. Hudgins, presiding, delivering the charge. (March 17, 1909)
Presbyterial Directory. Rev S. L. Noel, Rutherford, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 16-18, 1909, pages 3, 7, 8, 9 & 25]


Noel, Samuel L. Christian Baptism: A Study of Baptism, The Scriptural Design and Mode of Water Baptism; Spiritual Baptism, and Infant Baptism. Nashville, Tennessee: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1943.

Noel, Sam L. Dictators Cannot Win: A Study of Dictators, Their Methods of Ruling the People, Their Failures and Final Overthrow. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1941.

Noel, S. L. Minister's Handbook: A Guide for Ministers in the Performance of Their Official Duties, Containing Helpful Suggestions in Ministerial Decorum. Nashville, Tennessee: Printed by the Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1932.

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Updated September 17, 2015