Joe Lane Hudgins

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1857- 1939


Moderator of the General Assembly
May 24, 1906, Decatur, Illinois (the continuing Cumberland Presbyterian Church)
June 21, 1928, Jackson, Tennessee


Editor, The Cumberland Presbyterian
June 9, 1910 - January 30, 1919

Editor-afield, The Cumberland Presbyterian
February 6, 1919 - June 30, 1921

Editor, The Cumberland Presbyterian
November 2, 1921 - June 24, 1926

"Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant"

REV. J. L. HUDGINS, one of the widest known ministers in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, passed to his eternal reward from his home in Nashville, Tenn., Tuesday, July 11, at 9 o'clock p.m., aged 82 years. His funeral was conducted at the Marshall Funeral Home, Nashville, Thursday morning, July 13, by Rev. C. M. Zwingle, assisted by Revs. W. H. McLeskey and Geo. W. Sparks. Cumberland Presbyterian ministers from Nashville and other places were the honorary pallbearers. His body was carried to Union City, Tenn., for interment, where a service was held at the grave by Revs. W. B. Cunningham and B. J. Reagin. Accompanying the remains from Nashville were Revs. George W. Sparks, J. W. Stiles, S. O. McAdoo, and Elder C. C. Brock.

Rev. J. L. Hudgins was born near Eldorado, Ill., where he taught school previous to giving his entire time to the gospel ministry of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. His first pastorate was at Mt. Oval, in Ewing-McLin Presbytery, near Norris City, Ill. At one time he was the pastor of the Cumberland Church where Senator Borah at that time held his membership; and was also the pastor of the church where William Jennings Bryan was converted and with which church he united. Brother Hudgins was the pastor at Washington, Ind., Eldorado, Ill., Union City, Tenn., and other places. I remember hearing him tell about conducting a revival for a preacher in another denomination, when the pastor of the church was converted.

In 1910 Brother Hudgins was elected editor of The Cumberland Presbyterian, resigning the pastorate of the Union City Church to wield a powerful editorial pen. He held the editorship for sixteen years, and a part of that time he was also general manager of the publishing house. When the Cumberland Presbyterian Church lost its large publishing building and printing plant in the exodus from the church, Brother Hudgins printed a few issues of the church paper on a mimeograph. Through that medium he appealed to loyal Cumberlands for funds to purchase type and presses to continue the publication of the church paper, and his appeal netted $15,000.00. From that modest start, he added an up-to-date printing plant, and purchased the office building and erected the building we now use as a printing plant. The Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House is a monument to his loyalty, genius, sacrifice, and faith in the Cumberland Church. Various offers were made to induce him to go with those who went into another denomination, but he declared that as long as J. L. Hudgins lived there would be one Cumberland Presbyterian.

When he retired as editor he was employed by the Woman's Board in raising the Ashburn-Graf Endowment Fund. After that, the General Assembly appointed him manager of the ministerial Endowment Fund, which position he held to the day of his death. He was known as "the best money raiser in the church," adding, through his solicitation, something like $500,000.00 to the various enterprises of the church.

Brother Hudgins was one of the most forceful ministers of the church, a great orator and pleasing speaker who attracted crowds and held the interest of hearers.

When Brother Hudgins retired as editor, his interest in the work of publication did not cease, and he remained an active counsellor and personal friend of those in charge of the publishing house. When the present editor was elected, Brother Hudgins was the first person to write his congratulations, and to say, "If there is anything I can do to assist you in any part of the work, command my services." As long as he was able, he visited regularly the office, and was always gratified over any success that had come to the publication interests.

Besides his wife, he is survived by two sons and one daughter: Paul Hudgins, Eldorado, Ill.; W. E. Hudgins, Union City, Tenn., Mrs. J. W. Riggins, Nashville, Tenn.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant, while thou art dead, yet dost thou speak, and will continue to speak and be loved in the memory of thousands of Cumberland Presbyterians.

"Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest;
Lay down thy head upon the Savior's breast.
We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee best."

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, July 20, 1939, page 1]

In Memory of Rev. J. L. Hudgins

I am not writing these few words as an obituary, but Brother Hudgins and I have been such warm friends since our first personal acquaintance, I cannot let the opportunity pass and not say a word concerning this great man.

I first met Brother Hudgins at the General Assembly, in Decatur, Ill., 1906. He preached on Sunday to the reorganized Assembly. He preached a great sermon. He won my admiration of him as being a great preacher, a man of great vigor, of deep conviction, and of sterling worth. I was not deceived in Brother Hudgins. In our long acquaintance of thirty-three years, he proved to be even more than I first estimated him to be.

With no lack of courtesy and respect to other great characters of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and we have many just as good as the human family has ever produced, possibly it is not saying too much to say, Brother Hudgins has been at least one of the most active and most useful ministers our Church, or any other Church ever had.

When Brother Hudgins was called from one of the best pastorates in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church to the editorship of The Cumberland Presbyterian as an untrained editor, anyone who was at all capable of judging the ability of an editor could see the improvement in his editorials right along step by step, week after week. He made a splendid editor. All those sixteen years of his editorship of The Cumberland Presbyterian, Brother Hudgins and this scribe were the best of friends.

God bless the memory of Brother Hudgins. God bless his bereaved companion and sons and daughter. A good and great man has gone to his reward.--J. P. McDonald.

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, August 3, 1939]

Rev. J. L. Hudgins

Rev. Joe Lane Hudgins was born near Eldorado, Ill., August 22, 1857, and passed to his eternal reward from his home in Nashville, Tenn., July 11, 1939, aged 82 years. He had been an ordained minister in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for more than fifty years. He was one of the best known and loved men in the Church. He had rendered conspicuous service as a pastor, evangelist, editor and manager of the publishing interests of the Church, and as a financier he had few, if any equals. He had dedicated more new churches than perhaps any other minister in the Church. He had by his own efforts brought more thousands of dollars into the various treasuries of the Church than any other minister in the Church. He was one of the strongest preachers of his day, and had a wonderful influence over his audiences. He was uncompromising in his stand for, and defense of, the fundamental truths of God's Word. He was just as staunch in his stand for the doctrines of his Church. He allowed no experience that came to him to affect him in his interest in the success of his denomination. He particularly loved the work of the ministry, and could scarcely decline an opportunity to preach even after his health would not permit his doing so.

Great pressure was brought to bear upon him to go into the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., but he was adamant in his loyalty to his Church. He will be greatly missed in the counsels of his Church. He is with the General Assembly of the first born in heaven.

He is survived by his wife, two sons, Paul Hudgins, Eldorado, Ill., and W. E. Hudgins, Union City, Tenn.; and one daughter, Mrs. J. W. Riggins, Nashville, Tenn. To these loved ones we extend our deepest heartfelt sympathy, and pray that God will richly bless and sustain them through the remainder of life.

W. H. McLeskey,
C. M. Zwingle.

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, September 14, 1939]

An Editor Who Saw Abraham Lincoln


   This is a front page story which appeared in the Nashville (Tennessee) Banner February 12, 1935. It was written by Ralph D. Wright who was then a reporter on the Banner.
   Mr. Wright is now a member of the Board of Publication and Christian Education which publishes THE CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN. 

A tiny, wide-eyed boy clung tightly to his uncle's hand while his short legs carried him unsteadily through the expectant crowd. When his elder reached a vantage place beside the flag-draped stand, the child settled himself wearily on his uncle's knees.

He even yawned as he bask in the noon-day sun, secure in his childish innocence of the importance of the colorful spectacle.

But, when a surging cheer heralded the arrival of Illinois' favorite son and the tall man with a remarkable mobility of features arose and spoke with characteristic slowness and emphasis, the child watched in round-eyed wonder.

The Rev. J. L. Hudgins, well known Cumberland Presbyterian minister, sat at his home at 1300 Edgewood Avenue on the 126th anniversary of Lincoln's birth and pictured for a BANNER reporter the story of his meeting with the rail splitting President as told him by his uncle a number of years before. He has no personal recollection of the event, being only 4 years old at the time, and consequently was forced to rely on his relative's version.

On the occasion of the meeting, he recalled, Lincoln delivered a speech in Vandalia, Ill., during his candidacy for the presidency. When his uncle, who was a great admirer of Lincoln, heard that he was scheduled to appear in Illinois, he, accompanied by his young nephew, began the two day journey in a stage coach from Eldorado, Ill., where Mr. Hudgins was born in 1857, just a year before the memorable Lincoln-Douglas debates.

When the gathering started to disperse, Mr. Hudgins' uncle, who at the time was sheriff of Galletin County, led his small charge forward and sought to speak to Mr. Lincoln whom he had met before. After greetings had been exchanged by the two men, Lincoln, according to the elder Hudgins, turned to the small boy and placed his hand on his head for a moment.

Mr. Hudgins, who served for sixteen years as editor of his church's paper, and twice as moderator of its general assembly, related the incident with pardonable pride. He, too, is a great admirer of the martyr President and several times has spoken at local Lincoln Day dinners.

"Lincoln," he declared, "was our greatest President with the exception of Washington and I believe that he rivaled him in certain qualifications. I am a native of Illinois, and were I asked to name the three greatest men who claim that state as their home, I would say that they were in order named: Lincoln, William Jennings Bryan, and Senator William Borah."

Mr. Hudgins is Borah's former school mate, both having attended Southern Illinois College. He was intimately acquainted with Bryan, he said, having met him while teaching school in Illinois and being subsequently entertained in his home.

Mr. Hudgins has made a comprehensive study of Lincoln's life and the relation of his political convictions to the unity of the country. His search for facts, however, has not been confined alone to histories. Through actual contact with localities identified with Lincoln's life, he has been able to assimilate personal information.

He conducted a series of revivals in New Salem where Lincoln served as postmaster when he was twenty-four years of age. He has also inspected Lincoln's birthplace in Kentucky and visited his home in Springfield, Ill.

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, May 3, 1960, pages 11 & 13]

Hudgins, J. L., Eldorado, Ill.
Candidate - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1881, page 84]

Hudgins, J. L., Eldorado, Ill.
Licentiate - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1882, page 114]

Hudgins, J. L., Eldorado, Ill.
Licentiate - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1883, page 123]

Hudgins, J. L., Eldorado, Ill.
Minister - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1884, page 112]

Hudgins, J. L., El Dorado, Ill.
Minister - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1885, page 127]

No Directory for this year in the General Assembly Minutes.

Hudgins, J. L., El Dorado, Ill.
Minister - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1887, page 152]

Hudgins, J. L., Harrisburg, Ill.
Minister - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1888, page 164]

Hudgins, J. L., Harrisburgh, Ill.
Minister - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1889, page 173]

Hudgins, J. L., Harrisburgh, Ill.
Minister - Ewing Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Harrisburgh Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Harrisburgh, Illinois
Pastor - Ridgway Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Ridgway, Illinois
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 15-22, 1890, in Union City, Tennessee.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1890, pages 4, 120 & 168]

Not listed in Minister Directory of General Assembly minutes.

Hudgins, J. L., Danville, Ill.
Minister - Albion Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Enfield Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Enfield, Illinois
Pastor - West Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Enfield, Illinois)
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1892, pages 137 & 190]

Hudgins, J. L., Danville, Ind.
Minister - Wabash Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Clayton Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Clayton, Indiana
Pastor - Danville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Danville, Indiana
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1893, pages 158 & 200]

Hudgins, J. L., Stated Clerk, Danville, Ind.
Minister - Wabash Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Clayton Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Clayton, Indiana
Pastor - Danville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Danville, Indiana
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1894, pages 171 & 214]

Hudgins, J. L., Stated Clerk, Martinsville, Ind.
Minister - Wabash Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Martinsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, Indiana
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1895, pages 177 & 222]

Hudgins, J. L., Stated Clerk, Martinsville, Ind.
Minister - Wabash Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Martinsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, Indiana
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 21-29, 1896, in Birmingham, Alabama
Served on the Committee on the Theological Seminary.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1896, pages 6, 11, 164 & 205]

Hudgins, J. L. (charge) STA. CLK, and TREAS., Martinsville, Ind.
Minister - Wabash Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Martinsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, Indiana
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1897, pages 171 & 287]

Hudgins, J. L., (charge) Albion, Ill.
Minister - Wabash Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Martinsville Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, Indiana
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1898, pages 192 & 302]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, Albion, Ill.
Minister - Albion Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Albion Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Albion, Ill.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1899, pages 78a & 184a]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, Albion, Ill.
Minister - Albion Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Albion Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Albion, Ill.
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 17-24, 1900, in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Served on the Committee on Publication
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1900, pages 11, 19, 97a & 198a]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, Albion, Ill.
Minister - Albion Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Albion Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Albion, Ill.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1901, pages 123a & 256a]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, CH. COM. PAS. and SUP., Albion, Ill.
Minister - Albion Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Albion Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Albion, Ill.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1902, pages 113a & 210a]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, S.C. and TR., Washington, Ind.
Minister - Mount Vernon Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Pastor - Albion Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Albion, Ill.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1903, pages 102a & 210a]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, CH. COM. PAS. and SUP., Washington, Ind.
Minister - Morgan Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Washington Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Washington, Indiana
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 19-16, 1904 in Dallas, Texas
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1904, pages 11, 88a & 189a]

Hudgins, J. L., charge, Union City, Tenn.
Minister - Morgan Presbytery - Indiana Synod
Pastor - Union City Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Union City, Tennessee
Pastor - Mt. Olivet Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Washington, Indiana)
Pastor - Washington Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Washington, Indiana
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1905, pages 70a, 127a & 168a]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Pastor - Union City Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Union City, Tennessee
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 17-24, 1906, in Decatur, Illinois
Served on the Committee on Credentials
Served on the Committee on Sabbath Observance
Half hour was spent in devotional services, conducted by Rev. J. L. Hudgins. (May 22)
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, pages 15, 18, 32, 38, 45, 60, 76, 80, 113, 118a & 158a]

Continued Session in Afternoon of May 24, 1906 of the continuing Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Moderator: Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Union City, Tenn.
On motion, Rev. J. L. Hudgins, of Obion Presbytery, in the Synod of West Tennessee, was elected Moderator by acclamation.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, pages 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 & 14]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Pastor - Union City Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Union City, Tennessee
Officers and Agencies of the General Assembly.
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Union City, Tennessee - Board of Education
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 16-21, 1907, in Dickson, Tennessee.
The Moderator, the Rev. J. L. Hudgins, made explanation of the occasion, after which the Rev. R. D. Shook, by the Moderator's request, led in a brief, fervent prayer.
The opening prayer of the Assembly was offered by the Moderator, the Rev. J. L. Hudgins, and Assembly declared duly constituted.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1907, pages 9, 10, 29b]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Pastor - Union City Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Union City, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1908, pages 98a & 20b]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Pastor - Union City Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Union City, Tennessee
General Assembly Board of Education - Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Union City, Tennessee
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 20-26, 1909, in Bentonville, Arkansas
Served on the Committee on Missions.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1909, pages 3, 10, 16, 49a & 21b]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Pastor - Union City Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Union City, Tennessee
General Assembly Board of Education - Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Union City, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1910, pages 2, 175 & 221]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
J. L. Hudgins - Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, President of the Trustees of Board of Education
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1911, pages 2, 221]

Minister - Obion Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
J. L. Hudgins - Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn., Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1912, pages 4, & 259]

Hudgins, J. L. - Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Secretary and Treasurer, Nashville, Tenn. - Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1913, pages 5 & 328]

Hudgins, J. L. - Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Secretary and Treasurer, Nashville, Tenn. - Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1914, pages 7 & 273]

Hudgins, J. L. - Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1915, pages 6 & 233]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1916, pages 6 & 251]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1917, pages 5 & 254]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1918, pages 5 & 221]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1919, pages 5 & 221]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1920, pages 5 & 241]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 19-25, 1921, in Greenfield, Missouri.
Served on the Committee on Budget Fund.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1921, pages 6, 16, 19 & 323]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Board of Trustees of Theological Seminary
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1922, pages 6 & 284]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1923, page 294]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn., Advisory Committee of the Board of Ministerial Benefit Association.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1924, pages 8 & 262]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn., Advisory Committee of the Board of Ministerial Benefit Association.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1925, pages 8 & 236]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1926, page 243]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1927, page 248]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Moderator of the 98th of the General Assembly, June 21-27, 1928, in Jackson, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1928, pages 7, 18, 19, 18c]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Commissioner to General Assembly, May 16-21, 1929, in Princeton, Kentucky
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1929, page 15 & 224]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Past Moderator's Cabinet, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1930, pages 10 & 243]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Rev. J. L. Hudgins - Special Committee on Memorial Monuments
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1931, pages 10 & 226]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1932, pages 10 & 192]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1933, page 10 & 184]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1934, page 10 & 177]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
Commissioner to General Assembly, June 13-18, 1935, in McKenzie, Tennessee.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1935, page 10, 17 & 187]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Superintendent of Endowment for Board - Rev. J. L. Hudgins, 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1936, page 8, 10 & 195]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Superintendent of Endowment for Board - Rev. J. L. Hudgins, 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1937, page 8, 10 & 272]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Superintendent of Endowment for Board - Rev. J. L. Hudgins, 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1938, page 8, 10 & 236]

Hudgins, J. L. - 1300 Edgewood Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Committee on Minutes of General Assembly, 1928-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1939, pages 10 & 238]

Report of Mortuary Committee
Lebanon-Rev. J. L. Hudgins, active, Nashville, Tenn., July 11, 1939
Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1940, page 137]



Hudgins, J. L. The Preservation or The Truly Regenerated. No place, no date of publication. Booklet, 4 x 6, 38 pages. 3 copies in the archives.

Hudgins, J. L. "A Christ on the Plain." Opening Sermon of the Seventy-Seventh General Assembly, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, held at Dickson, Tenn. May 15, 1907. Preached by Rev. J. L. Hudgins, Union City, Tenn. No place, no date of publication. Booklet, 5 3/4 x 8 1/4, 13 pages. 1 copy in the archives.

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Updated September 17, 2015