Charity Hall Presbytery

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

1839 - 1852

Minutes Needed !!!

Please contact the archives if you have any copies or know where any are located.

1838 - Charity Hall formed from Oxford and Shiloh presbyteries by Mississippi Synod
Resolved that all that part of the Oxford Presbytery east of the meridian line in the Chickasaw nation and that part of Shiloh Presbytery being north and east of the line dividing the Chickasaw and Choctaw nations be stricken off from those Presbyteries and be called by the name of Charity Hall Presbytery and that the following ministers constitute said Presbytery viz Rev. Robert Bell, Collin Forbes, Samuel Lambert, and John J. Cooper, and all the licentiates and candidates within the bounds shall be under the care of the that Presbytery. And her first session shall be held at Liberty meeting house in Pontotoc County State of Mississippi on Friday before the 2nd Sabbath in May 1839. and that Rev. Robert Bell be the first moderator and in case of his absence the Rev. Samuel Lambert.
[Source: Minutes of Mississippi Synod, November 22-24, 1838, page 38]

1839 - First Meeting of Charity Hall Presbytery, May 10, 1839

1844 - Ripley Presbytery formed from Charity Hall Presbytery by order of Mississippi Synod
That the Northern portion of Charity Hall Presbytery containing five ordained ministers, one probationer, and one candidate be called Ripley Presbytery, and that they hold their first meeting on ? before the fourth Sabbath in March next and that Samuel Lambert be the first moderator and in case of his absence, A. G. Frazier.
[Source: Minutes of Mississippi Synod, October 24, 1844, pages 81-82]

1844 - Boundary changed between Charity Hall and New Hope presbyteries by Mississippi Synod.
That the line between Charity Hall and New Hope Presbyteries be altered so that the northern boundary of Choctaw, and Oktibbeha and Lowndes counties shall be the line between those presbyteries to the state line and thence East to the boundary line of the Synod.
[Source: Minutes of Mississippi Synod, October 24, 1844, page 82]

1847 - Attached to Hernando Synod

1852 - Charity Hall Presbytery probably merged with Ripley Presbytery to form Union Presbytery
The Minutes of Hernando Synod are not available to document this change, but in the 1853 Minutes of the General Assembly and in the September 1853 Minutes of Hernando Synod neither presbytery is listed and Union Presbytery appears.

List of Meetings
Minutes in Archives

May 10, 1839 - Liberty meeting house, Pontotoc County, Mississippi

March 7, 1843 - Union Church, Tippah County, Mississippi
Moderator: Rev. A. G. Frazier
Stated Clerk: Rev. Samuel Lambert
[Source: Extract of minutes in the Banner of Peace, May 5, 1843, page 2]

October 1844 - Pontotoc, Mississippi
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, June 7, 1900, pages 715-716, in article about Rev. Walker Montecure Allen]

October 1848 - Chickasaw County, Mississippi
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, June 7, 1900, pages 715-716, in article about Rev. Walker Montecure Allen]

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Updated April 25, 2013