An opportunity was given to persons to converse with the Presbytery in regard to an internal call to the work of the Gospel Ministry; whereupon, M. T. Hall and S. F. Lovett, of the Cool Springs congregation, and W. G. Stockton, of Union Grove, presented themselves, and after relating their experience, were received under the care of the Presbytery as Candidates for the Ministry.
[Source: Minutes of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 9, 10, 12, 1898, pages 3-4]
Candidate present - W.G. Stockton [page 3]
Candidates Roy C. Hutchison, M. T. Hall, Henry D. Park and W. G. Stockton read before the Presbytery their sermons, prepared from texts previously assigned them, which were referred to the Committee on Examination. [page 16]
The Committee on Examination made report No. 2, which was adopted, viz.:
Moderator and Brethren:--Your Committee on Examination have discharged the duty as best it could. We came here last Thursday, as is required by your usage, and found but one of your committee present, while there was present of the class Brothers H. D. Park, Roy C. Hutchison, F. B. Boyett, M. T. Hall, W. G. Stockton and C. G. Whitson, and, after prayer, we proceeded to examine them on English grammar, geography, natural philosophy, Church history, Church government and theology. All of them made a splendid grade on English grammar and geography, but upon the other studies their grade was not so good, but they did fairly well.
We have examined the written sermons, read by the young men, and referred to us, and consider them creditable. Brother A.D. Park's sermon is not as well written and arranged as it should have been, with proper care and study. Its date indicates its preparation on the day before he entered with the class.
We have also considered the papers from Brother A. R. Turner, which were referred to us. The said papers consist in an old church letter from the Medina congregation, and a personal letter from himself, in which he expresses a desire to be a member of this Presbytery.
We recommend:
1. That you proceed at once to license Brother W. G. Stockton to preach the gospel, he having made more than the required grade on all studies preparatory to licensure.
2. That you receive the grade made by the other brethren named, as well as their sermons, as parts of trial, and that the following texts be assigned them from which to prepare sermons to be read before the Presbytery, next meeting: H. D. Park, I Cor. xiii. 13; M. T. Hall, first part of Rom. iv. 16, "Therefore it is of faith"; Roy C. Hutchison, John xiv. 21.
3. That you inform Brother A. R. Turner that he cannot be received
as a member of this Presbytery without appearing in person before
the Presbytery.
The constitutional questions having been asked Candidate W. G. Stockton, and he having answered the same in the affirmative, and prayer having been offered, the Moderator proceeded to the licensure of the said W. G. Stockton to preach the gospel. [pages 23-24]
Licentiate - W. G.
Stockton - Rutherford, Tenn. [page 27]
[Source: Minutes of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 14, 15, 17, 1900]
Licentiate present - W. G. Stockton [March 7, 1902, page 2]
The committee on examination of Probationers on Literature
and Theology, made report No. 1, which was adopted as follows:--Your
committee report that after examination on all parts of trial
for licensure and ordination, we find that Bro. N. M. Tatum is
prepared for licensure and Bro W. G. Stockton for ordination.
We recommend that you license Bro. Tatum this forenoon and that
you ordain Bro. W. G. Stockton at 2 o'clock this afternoon;
that Rev.
W. H. McLeskey preach the ordination sermon, and that
Rev. R.H. Brown preside and give the charge.
E.E. Hendrick.
J.H. Thomas.
[March 8, 1902, page 10]
This being the hour set for the ordination of Bro. W. G. Stockton, and the ordination sermon having been preached by the Rev. W. H. McLeskey, and the constitutional questions having been propounded and satisfactorily answered, Bro. W. G. Stockton was by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery and by prayer ordained to the whole work of the Gospel Ministry. The Rev. R. H. Brown presiding, gave the charge. [March 8, 1902, page 13]
Presbyterial Directory
W. G. Stockton
- Ro-Ellen, Tenn. [page 28
[Source: Minutes of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 7, 8, 10, 1902]
W. G. Stockton - Gates, Tenn. - Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, page 183a]
W. G. Stockton - Big Sandy, Tenn.
Supply of Big Sandy Presbyterian Church - Hopewell Presbytery
- West Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1907, page 920
William G. Stockton - Dyer, Tenn.
Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1908, page 844]
William G. Stockton - Covington, Tenn.
- Covington Presbyterian Church - Obion-Memphis Presbytery - Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1909, page 847]
William G. Stockton - Hickman, Ky.
Supply - Hickman Presbyterian Church - Obion-Memphis Presbytery
- Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1910, pages 856, 1914]
William G. Stockton - Hickman, Ky.
Supply - Hickman Presbyterian Church - Obion-Memphis Presbytery
- Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1911, pages 852, 1012]
William G. Stockton - Georgetown, Ill.
Supply - Georgetown Presbyterian Church - Bloomington Presbytery
- Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1912, page 519]
William G. Stockton - Cambridge, Mass.
Presbytery - Illinois Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1913, page 523]
Not listed in minutes after 1913.