McAdow Family Information


John McAdow
[son of William McAdow and ? ?]
born: c1732 - Ulster, Armagh, Ireland
1755 tax list of Rowan County, North Carolina
1759 tax list of Rowan County, North Carolina.
1760 tax list of Rowan County, North Carolina
1790 Census - Guilford County, North Carolina
1800 Census - Guilford County, North Carolina
1st wife: Ellen Nelson
[daughter of Alexander Nelson and ? ?]
born: c1736 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 1770 - Guilford County, North Carolina
2nd wife of John McAdow: ??

Children of John McAdow and Ellen Nelson McAdow:

1. David McAdow
born: 1758 - in Orange County (the part that later became Guilford County), North Carolina
died: 1815 - Dickson County, Tennessee
date of will: 26 February 1815 (witnessed by Samuel McAdow and Thomas Burkett)
will presented: April 1815 Term, Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Dickson County, Tennessee
will recorded: 15 March 1817, Book A, pages 33-35, Dickson County, Tennessee
married: 6 March 1786 - Guilford County, North Carolina
1790 Census - Guilford County, North Carolina
1800 Census - Salisbury Township, Guilford County, North Carolina (David McAdow, age 45 and over)
1810 Census - Greensboro Township, Guilford County, North Carolina (D. McAdow, age 45 and over)
wife: Margaret McClain
1800 Census - Salisbury Township, Guilford County, North Carolina (female age 45 and over)

Children of David McAdow and Margaret McClain McAdow:

1.1. John McAdow

1.2. Samuel McAdow

1.3. Sarah McAdow

1.4. David McAdow

1.5. Mary McAdow
born: 6 December 1792 -
died: 30 October 1856 - Attala County, Mississippi
buried: Bethel Methodist Church - Kosciusko, Hesterville, Attala County, Mississippi
married: 11 September 1817 - Dickson County, Tennessee
husband: Isaiah Howard


2. Samuel McAdow
Presbyterian Minister until 1810
Cumberland Presbyterian Minister
born: 10 April 1760 - in Orange County (the part that later became Guilford County), North Carolina
died: 30 March 1844 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1790 - Did not find on census records
1810 lived in Dickson County, Tennessee on Acorn Creek
1820 Census - Jackson County, Tennessee (Samuel McAdo)
1830 Census - Bond County, Illinois (Samuel McAdow, age 70-80)
1840 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 80-90, living with son, Saml. N. McAdow)
1st marriage: 24 November 1788 - maybe Guilford County, North Carolina
1st wife: Henrietta Wheatley
[daughter of ? Wheatley and ? ?]
died: 20 April 1799 - North Carolina
buried: unknown

Children of Samuel McAdow and Henrietta Wheatley McAdow:

2.1. died in infancy

2.2. died in infancy

2.3. died in infancy

2.4. died in infancy

2.5. Isabella McAdow
born: 28 December 1792 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 15 October 1872 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (head, age 58)
1860 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 64, living with David C. McAdow)
1870 Census -Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 77, living with Larkin Jackson)
married: 11 June 1812 - Dickson County, Tennessee
husband: James Hunter
[son of John Hunter and Elizabeth Maben]
born: 21 June 1790 - North Carolina
died: 12 April 1848 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1820 Census -
1830 Census -
1840 Census -

Children of Isabella McAdow Hunter and James Hunter:

2.5.1. Martha Ann Hunter
married: 4 July 1838 - Illinois
husband: Joseph Campbell

2.5.2. Elizabeth "Betsy" Hunter
born: 1813 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 1884 -
1850 Census -
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 47)
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 56, living in home of David H. McAdow)
1880 Census -
married: 30 July 1833 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
husband: Samuel Brown Gower
[son of Samuel M. Gower and Ceclia Hooper]
born: 1811 - Davidson County, Tennessee
died: 13 December 1869 - Pleasant Mound, Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census -
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 47)

Children of Elizabeth Hunter Gower and Samuel Brown Gower: James Wilson Gower
born: 4 June 1835 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 3 November 1904 - Los Angeles, California
married: 25 August 1856 - Bond County, Illinois
wife: Harriet Almira Blizzard
[daughter of James Blizzard and Fannie McCord]
born: 2 July 1836 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 26 December 1909 - Marshall, Saline County, Missouri Gilbert Lafayette Gower
born: December 1842 - Pleasant Mound, Bond County, Illinois
died: 16 January 1906 - Seminary Township, Fayette County, Illinois
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 18, living with parents)
1st marriage: 3 February 1862
1st wife: Kesiah M. McAdow
[daughter of Samuel D. McAdow and Mary J. Crossno]
born: 1844 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 1868 - Pleasant Mound, Bond County, Illinois

2nd marriage of Gilbert Lafayette Gower: 28 July 1870 - Fayette County, Illinois
2nd wife: Priscilla Jane Tedrick
[daughter of Alvin Tedrick and Cynthia A. Reavis]
born: November 1844 - Henry County, Missouri
died: 6 April 1897 - Fayette County, Illinois Mary Elizabeth Gower
born: June 1845 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 1890 - Sheldon, Missouri
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 15, living with parents)
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 25)
married: 12 April 1863 - Bond County, Illinois
husband: David H. McAdow
[son of David C. McAdow and Nancy Melson]
born: June 1845 - Wayne County, Tennessee
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 24)

Children of Mary Elizabeth Gower McAdow and David H. McAdow: Albert Gower
born: c1868 - Illinois
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 2, living with parents) Samuel M. Gower
born: 1845 - Bond County, Illinois
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 13, living with parents) Martha Jane Gower
born: March 1850 - Bond County, Illinois
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 11, living with parents) Elizabeth Catherine Gower
born: 1852 - Bond County, Illinois
married: 2 February 1873 - Bond County, Illinois
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 8, living with parents)
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 18, living with mother in home of son-in-law, David H. McAdow)
husband: John A. Jett
born: 1851 - Illinois Thomas Jefferson Gower
born: 28 April 1856 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 17 March 1899 - McCune, Crawford County, Kansas
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 5, living with parents)
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 16, living with mother in home of David H. McAdow)
married: 25 December 1882 - St. Paul, Neosho County, Kansas
[daughter of John Clary and Zeppora Ann Moore]
born: 18 September 1858 - Salena, Sangamon County, Illinois
died: 11 January 1933 - Upland, San Bernardino County, California


2.5.3. Samuel M. Hunter
born: c1812 or 1814 - Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 38, living with mother)
married: 2 November 1864 - Bond County, Illinois
wife: Mary Ann Foster
[daughter of Zopher Foster and Nancy ?]
born: 1820 - Dickson County, Tennessee ?
died: 5 April 1912 - Antlers, Oklahoma

2.5.4. Mary C. "Polly" Hunter
born: c1820 or 10 March 1815 - Illinois
died: 27 April 1863 - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 30, living with mother)
married: 12 August 1851 - Bond County, Illinois
husband: David C. McAdow
[son of David McAdow and Margaret McClain]
born: 25 December 1794 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 21 January 1874 - Bond County, Illinois

Children of Mary C. Hunter McAdow and David D. McAdow: Nancy Isabelle McAdow
born: 25 April 1852 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 26 February 1932 - Stuttgart, Arkansas County, Arkansas


2.5.5. David Foster Hunter
born: c1829 or 1821 - Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 21, living with mother)
wife: Isabelle Plant

2.5.6. Susan Hannah Hunter
born: 9 September 1823 - Illinois
died: 1 July 1902 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1870 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 46)
married: 1 September 1840 -
husband: Larkin Jackson, Jr.
[son of Larkin Jackson and Anna Parker]
born: c1820
1870 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (head, age 50)

Children of Susan Hannah Hunter Jackson and Larkin Jackson, Jr. David L. Jackson
born: 2 February 1842
died: 23 February 1842 Wilborn Jackson
born: 14 February 1843
died: 22 September 1843 Infant Son
born: 23 December 1844 William Larkin Jackson
born: 24 February 1847
died: 5 September 1876
married: 20 March 1868
wife: Mattie A. Minor
died: 18 September 1951 - Bond County, Illinois Henry Lawrence Jackson
born: 7 September 1849
died: 17 November 1873 - Bond County, Illinois
married: 21 April 1870
wife: Margaret A. Stephens Anna L. Jackson
born: 22 March 1852
1870 Census -Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (Anna Hughs, age 19, living with parents) Charles Hoiles Jackson
born: 28 July 1854
died: 22 August 1933
1870 Census -Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 15, living with parents) Alvin Hudson Jackson
born: 27 March 1857
died: 3 February 1925
1870 Census -Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 13, living with parents)
wife: Mary "Mollie" Davis
born: 12 March 1859 - Illinois
died: 19 August 1938 - Bond County, Illinois Molly E. Jackson
born: 1864


2.5.7. William M. Hunter
born: 1826
died: 1909 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
married: 28 September 1848 - Bond County, Illinois
wife: Harriet W. Edwards
born: 1829 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 1887 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois

Children of William M. Hunter and Harriet W. Edwards Hunter: James Robert Hunter
born: 1849 - Bond County, Illinois
wife: Mahala ?
born; 1853 - Illinois George Hunter
born: 1852 Allison Hunter
born: 1854
wife: Mary Ellen Wood Harriet Hunter
born: 1858 Amanda L. Hunter
born: 1859 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 1885 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois Archibald Hunter
born: 1864 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 1886 - Bond County, Illinois Horley L. Hunter
born: 1867
died: 1886
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois




2nd marriage of Rev. Samuel McAdow: October 1800 - Logan County, Kentucky
2nd wife of Rev. Samuel McAdow: Catherine Clark
[daughter of: Thomas Clark (born c1740 died 1781} and Susannah Clark]
born: Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 17 May 1804 - Logan County, Kentucky
buried: unknown

Child of Samuel McAdow and Catherine Clark McAdow:

2.6. Mary "Polly" Clark McAdow
born: c1801 - Logan County, Kentucky
or born: 1 March 1804 ?
husband: Alexander Keith, Jr.
[son of Alexander Keith and ?]
born: 4 August 1802
died: 31 July 1874 ?
1820 Census - Jackson County, Tennessee

1850 Census - District 5, Jackson County, Tennessee

Children of Mary "Polly" Clark McAdow Keith and Alexander Keith, Jr.:

2.6.1. Catherine Clark Keith
born: 13 November 1828 - Tennessee or Kentucky
died: 10 December 1860
1850 Census - Jackson County, Tennessee (age 26)
1860 Census -
married: 12 November 1846
husband: Samuel Crawford
[son of James Crawford and Elizabeth ?]
born: 1825 - Kentucky
died: before 1860
1850 Census - Jackson County, Tennessee (age

Children of Catherine Clark Keith Crawford and Samuel Crawford: William Alexander Crawford
born: 16 March or May 1846 or 1847 - Jackson County, Tennessee
died: 23 or 24 April 1922 - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Jackson County, Tennessee (Alexander, age 3)
married: 28 November 1871 - Gainesboro, Jackson County, Tennessee
wife: Mary Amelia Brown
[daughter of Uriah Thomas Brown and Cypressa Calvin Brooks]
born: 26 August 1856 - Flynn's Lick, Jackson County, Tennessee
died: 15 February 1923 - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee

Children of William Alexander Crawford and Mary Amelia Brown Crawford: Minnie Crawford
born: 14 March 1885
died: 2 December 1958
husband: ? Barbour Samuel Uriah Crawford Sr.
born: 16 December 1887 - Tennessee
died: 16 July 1964
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
wife: Lucile Colvert

Children of Samuel Uriah Crawford Sr. and Lucile Colvert Crawford: Mary Frances Crawford
born: 1 May 1932 - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
died: 25 December 2003 - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee Samuel Uriah Crawford Jr.
born: 30 August 1933
died: 13 June 1978
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
wife: Claribel ? William Herbert Crawford
born: 6 January 1896 - Tennessee
died: 8 April 1982 - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee
wife: Maude Ellen ?
born: 2 Novemberr 1901
died: 22 April 1954
buried: Cookeville City Cemetery - Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee Walter Keith Crawford
born: 17 August 1899 - Tennessee
died: 6 November 1978 Luke Truman Crawford
born: 24 March 1883
died: 4 July 1933 Mary E. Crawford
born: c1852 - Tennessee
married: 31 July 1872 - Jackson County, Tennessee
husband: Henry Sadler
[son of Nelson Sadler and Betridge Scanland]
born: 4 June 1848 - Jackson County, Tennessee
died: 31 March 1937 James Haywood Crawford
born: c1854 - Jackson County, Tennessee
married: 3 October 1894 - Jackson County, Tennessee
wife: Vituriah Draper
[daughter of William Draper and Amelia Ray]
born: 25 July 1856

Children of J. Haywood Crawford and Vituriah Draper Crawford: Earnest Crawford



2.6.2. Samuel Jackson Keith
born: 20 January 1831 - Jackson County, Tennessee
died: 1919 -
married: 20 September 1865
wife: Elizabeth Evert Bellsnyder
born: c1840 - Tennessee
1910 Census - Davidson County, Tennessee (Mrs. Samuel J. Keath, age 70)

Children of Samuel Jackson Keith and Elizabeth Evert Bellsnyder Keith: Samuella Keith
born: 1877 - Louisiana
1910 Census - Davidson County, Tennessee
1920 Census - Davidson County, Tennessee
married: c1905
husband: Samuel McPheeters Glasgow
born: c1875 - Virginia
1910 Census - Davidson County, Tennessee
1920 Census - Davidson County, Tennessee

Children of Samuella Keith Glasgow and Samuel McPheeters Glasgow: Mary Bell Glasgow
husband: Benjamin Drake Smith Gambill Grace Ellen Glasgow
husband: William Madison Watkins Elizabeth Keith Glasgow
husband: Albert Harrison Phillips Margaret Anderson Glasgow
husband: Robert Donnell Stanford Sammie Keith Glasgow
husband: William Alexander Lauderdale Samuel "Mack" McPheeters Glasgow Jr.
born: 1916
died: December 2009 - Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
buried: Mount Olivet Cemetery - Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
wife: Susan Barbara "Bobbie" Leake

Children of Samuel McPheeters Glasgow Jr. and Susan Barbara Leake Glasgow: Samuel McPheeters Glasgow III
wife: Diane Eggiman Bryant "Bim" Leake Glasgow
wife: Candace Floyd Susan Seymour Glasgow
husband: Allen Crockett Brown Emily Risley Glasgow
husband: John Bruno III


3rd marriage of Rev. Samuel McAdow: 24 July 1806 - Sumner County, Tennessee (signed by Rev. William Hodge, pastor of Shiloh Presbyterian Church in Sumner County, Tennessee)
3rd wife of Rev. Samuel McAdow: Hannah Coop
born: January 1766 - Harford County, Maryland
died: 3 June 1839 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1830 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 60-70)

Children of Rev. Samuel McAdow and Hannah Coop McAdow:

2.7. Samuel Nelson McAdow
born: 11 September 1807 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 27 November 1873 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1830 Census - Bond County, Illinois (living with parents, age 20-30)
1840 Census - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (Head, age 43)
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (Head, age 53)
1870 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (Head, age 63)
1st marriage:
1st wife: Jane Paisley
[daughter of William Paisley and Nancy Nelson]
born: 15 July 1817 -
died: 3 September 1844 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: ?

Children of Samuel Nelson McAdow and Jane Hays McAdow:

2.7.1. Mary Ann McAdow
born: 7 November 1836 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 30 November 1844 - Bond County, Illinois

2.7.2. Nancy H. McAdow
born: 14 May 1837 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 27 January 1862 - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age, 13 living with father and step-mother)
married: 19 April 1858 - Bond County, Illinois
husband: Richard H. White
born: 12 November 1838

Children of Nancy H. McAdow White and Richard H. White: Charles White
died: 12 February 1888 - Bond County, Illinois

2.7.3. John B. McAdow
born: 22 September 1839 - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 11, living with father and step-mother)
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 21, living with father)
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (head, age 30)
1880 Census -
1900 Census - Elsmore, Allen County, Kansas (head, age 59)
wife: Montie Clough
born: 2 April 1847 - Illinois
died: 29 December 1884 -
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 23)

Children of John B. McAdow and Montie Clough McAdow: Anna Clay McAdow
born: 1870 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 1890 - Bond County, Illinois Lillian Jane McAdow
born: 19 March 1873 - Illinois
1900 Census - Elsmore, Allen County, Kansas (age 27, living with father) Samuel Guy McAdow
born: 4 March 1878 - Illinois
1900 Census - Elsmore, Allen County, Kansas (head, age 24)
1910 Census - Tamalco, Bond County, Illinois (head, age 31)
1920 Census - Tamalco, Bond County, Illinois (head, age 43)
married: 15 September 1897 - Bond County, Illinois
wife: Sarah "Sadie" A. Newby
born: 1874 - Illinois
1900 Census - Elsmore, Allen County, Kansas (wife, age 26)
1910 Census - Tamalco, Bond County, Illinois (wife, age 37)
1920 Census - Tamalco, Bond County, Illinois (wife, age 44)

Children of Samuel Guy McAdow and Sarah A. Newby McAdow: Audrey McAdow
born: c1902 - Kansas
1910 Census - Tamalco, Bond County, Illinois (age, 8, living with parents)
1920 Census - Tamalco, Bond County, Illinois (age 17, living with parents) Fred Clough McAdow
born: 15 February 1879 - Illinois
1900 Census - Elsmore, Allen County, Kansas (age 21, living with father) William Henry McAdow
born: 2 November 1881 - Illionis
1900 Census - Elsmore, Allen County, Kansas (age 18, living with father)


2.7.4. William Paisley McAdow, Sr.
born: 6 November 1841 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 9 March 1879 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 9, living with father and step-mother)
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 19, living with father)
1870 Census -
married: 21 March 1877 -
wife: Sarah Cornelia Plant
[daughter of John Wesley Plant and Ann Florida Williamson]
born: 4 April 1849 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
died: 26 November 1934 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1900 Census - Bond County, Illinois (head, age 51, widow)
1910 Census -
1920 Census - Bond County, Illinois (head, age 70, widow)
1930 Census - Bond County, Illinois (head, age 81, widow)

Child of William Paisley McAdow and Sarah Cornelia Plant McAdow: William Paisley McAdow, Jr.
born: 4 March 1878 - Illinois
died: 28 September 1938 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1880 Census -
1900 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 22, living with mother)
1910 Census -
1920 Census - Shelby, Toole County, Montanta (head, age 41, divorced)
1930 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 51, widowed, living with mother, musician)
married: 9 April 1901 -
wife: Agnes Clark
[daughter of Robert Clark and Harriet Henninger]
born: 13 August 1883 -
After her divorce she marries James H. Robinson
1910 Census - Berlin, Harper County, Kansas (age 27)

Children of William Paisley McAdow, Jr. and Agnes Clark McAdow: Maurice McAdow
born: 17 November 1904 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1910 Census - Berlin, Harper County, Kansas (age 5, living with step-father and mother)
wife: Evelyn Bartles

Children of Maurice McAdow and Evelyn Bartles McAdow: Scott McAdow Mildred M. McAdow
born: 12 December 1906 - Anthony, Harper County, Kansas
died: 29 October 1999
buried: Mount Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1910 Census - Berlin, Harper County, Kansas (age 4, living with step-father and mother)
1930 Census - Bond County, Illinois (Mildred Schmollinger, age 23, living with husband)
married: 27 June 1927 - Vandalia, Illinois
husband: Clyde F. Schmollinger
[son of Charles L. Schmollinger and Victoria Mae Johnson]
born: 26 August 1907 - Illinois
died: 28 November 1993
buried: Mount Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1930 Census - Bond County, Illinois (Clyde Schmollinger, age 23)

Children of Mildred McAdow Schmollinger and Clyde Schmollinger: Shirley M. Schmollinger
born: 21 March 1929 - Illinois
died: 22 February 2004
buried: Mount Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
1930 Census - Bond County, Illinois (Shirley Schmollinger, age 1, living with parents)
husband: Robert L. Bensa
born: 19 August 1938
died: 30 January 1993
buried: Mount Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois Maurice Eldon Schmollinger
born: 14 November 1931


2nd marriage of Samuel Nelson McAdow: 13 February 1845 - Bond County, Illinois
2nd wife of Samuel Nelson McAdow: Elizabeth Ann "Betsy" Brewer
[daughter of ? Brewer and ? ?]
born: 16 October 1809 - Massachusetts
died: 23 October 1858 - Bond County, Illinois
buried: Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 41)

Children of Samuel Nelson McAdow and Elizabeth Ann Brewer McAdow:

2.7.5. Emily Jane McAdow
born: April 1846 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 1919 - Kansas
buried: Bronson Cemetery - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 4, living with parents)
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 14, living with father)
1870 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Emily Hampton, age 23 living with husband)
1880 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Ehuly J. Hampton, age 33, living with husband)
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Emila Hampton, age 54, living with husband)
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Emma Hampton, age 63, living with husband)
married: April 1, 1868 - Bond County, Illinois
husband: Michael Hampton
born: January 1835 - Tennessee
died: 1921 - Kansas
buried: Bronson Cemetery - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
1870 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Michael Hampton, age 33)
1880 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (M. Hampton, age 44)
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Michael Hampton, age 65)
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Michael Hampton, age 75)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Michael Hampton, age 85, widowed, living with married daughter, Mabel E. Wright)

Children of Emily Jane McAdow Hampton and Michael Hampton: Carrie Hampton
born: c1836 - Illinois
1870 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Carrie Hampton, age 1, living with parents)
1880 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Clara B. Hampton, age 11, living with parents) Samuel Hampton
born: c1872 - Illinois
1880 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Samuel Hampton, age 8, living with parents) Nellie May Hampton
born: 25 May 1878 - Illinois
died: 8 December 1947
buried: Bronson Cemetery - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
1880 Census - Montgomery County, Illinois (Nella Hampton, age 2, living with parents)
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Nellie Moore, age 22, living with husband)
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Nellie M. Moore, age 31, living with husband)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Nellie M. Moore, age 41, living with husband)
1930 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Nellie M. Moore, age 51, living with husband)
married: 1899
husband: Laurence Moore
born: 16 January 1876 - Ireland
died: 21 February 1955 - Kansas
buried: Bronson Cemetery - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Laurence Moore, age 24)
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Laurence Moore, age 34)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Laurence Moore, age 44)
1930 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Laurence Moore, age 54)

Children of Nellie May Hampton Moore and Lawrence Moore: Opal G. Moore
born: c1901 - Kansas
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Opal G. Moore, age 9, living with parents)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Opal G. Moore, age 19, living with parents)
husband: ? Owens Dorothy Ethel Moore
born: 30 July 1905 - Kansas
died: 24 November 2001 - Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas
buried: Mount Hope Cemetery - Williamsburg, Franklin County, Kansas
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Dorothy E. Moore, age 4, living with parents)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Dortha E. Moore, age 14, living with parents)
1930 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Dorthy E. Moore, age 24, living with parents)
husband: ? Binns
buried: Arthur "Art" Laurence Moore
born: 20 April 1908 - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
died: 21 July 2009 - Barnsdall, Osage County, Oklahoma
buried: Ethel Reece Cemetery - Barnsdall, Osage County, Oklahoma
1910 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Arthur L.. Moore, age 1 11/12, living with parents)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Auther L. Moore, age 11, living with parents)
1st married: 25 April 1929 - Fulton, Bourbon County, Kansas
wife: Christine Margaret Cromer
born: 18 May 1907
died: 26 December 1985
buried: Ethel Reece Cemetery - Barnsdall, Osage County, Oklahoma

2nd married: 1998
2nd wife of Arthur Laurence Moore: Gerda Mauldin Harry Lowell Moore
born: 11 July 1916 - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
died: 24 May 2008
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Harry L. Moore, age 3, living with parents)
1930 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Harry Lowell Moore, age 13, living with parents)
married: 2 June 1943
wife: Ruth Alyse Rigdon Edward Hampton
born: November 1870 - Illinois
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Edward Hampton, age 29, living with parents) Mabel E. Hampton
born: 30 March 1881 - Illinois
died: 13 December 1959
buried: Bronson Cemetery - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Mabel Hampton, age 19, living with parents)
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Mabel E. Wright, age 38, living with husband)
husband: William Walter Wright
[son of John L. Wright and Laura Ann ?]
born: 4 September 1881 - Kansas
died: 28 March 1946 - Kansas
buried: Bronson Cemetery - Bronson, Bourbon County, Kansas
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Wiliam W. Wright, age 38)

Children of Mabel E. Hampton Wright and William W. Wright: Darwin C. Wright
born: c1906 - Kansas
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Darwin C. Wright, age 14, living with parents) Leota M. Wright
born: c1909 - Kansas
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Leota M. Wright, age 11, living with parents) Laura L. Wright
born: c1914 - Kansas
1920 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Laura L. Wright, age 6, living with parents) Ethel Hampton
born: June 1885 - Kansas
1900 Census - Bourbon County, Kansas (Ethel Hampton, age 14, living with parents)



2.7.6. Samuel N. McAdow
born: January 1849 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 6 March 1849 - Bond County, Illinois

2.7.7. Elizabeth B. McAdow
born: 1850 - Bond County, Illinois
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (living with father)
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 10, living with father)
1870 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 20, living with father)

2.7.8. Sarah Lucy McAdow
born: 1856 - Bond County, Illinois
1860 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 6, living with father)
1870 Census - Bond County, Illinois (living with father)
1870 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois (age 14, living with father)


2.8. David King McAdow
born: 14 March 1809 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 28 October 1870 - Johnson County, Texas
buried: Buchanan Cemetery - Godley, Johnson County, Texas
1830 Census - Bond County, Illinois
1840 Census - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (head, age 41)
1860 Census - Buchanan, Johnson County, Texas (head, age 51)
married: 25 December 1828 - Bond County, Illinois
wife: Nancy Wright
[daughter of Zopher Wright and Nancy Foster]
born: 23 September 1812 - Tennessee
died: c1888 - Texas
buried: Buchanan Cemetery - Godley, Johnson County, Texas
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 30)
1860 Census - Buchanan, Johnson County, Texas (housewife, age 48)
1870 Census -
1880 Census -

Children of David King McAdow and Nancy Wright McAdow:

2.8.1. Samuel Wright McAdow
born: 11 May 1830 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 6 January 1863
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 20, living with parents)
wife: Mary Ann Foster

2.8.2. Joseph Hunter Ewing McAdow
born: 19 June 1836 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 27 January 1895 - Parker, Linn County, Kansas
buried: Parker, Linn County, Kansas
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 16, living with parents)
1860 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illionis (head, age 25)
married: Bond County, Illinois
wife: Millicent "Millie" Ann Johnston
[daughter of James Foster Johnston and Mary "Polly" Price]
born: 9 October 1837 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 25 June 1917 - Wintersett, Madison County, Iowa
buried: Parker, Linn County, Kansas
1860 Census - Greenville, Bond County, Illionis (age 22)

Children of Joseph Hunter Ewing McAdow and Millie Ann Johnston McAdow: Mary Lucretia McAdow
born: 24 January 1857 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 13 September 1858 Nancy Lucinda McAdow
born: 2 December 1858 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 8 July 1893
husband: Robert A. Sullivan Eliza Ellen McAdow
born: 19 October 1860 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 1 November 1957
husband: James Franklin Sullivan
husband: Thomas A. Troutman David Nelson McAdow
born: 30 October 1862 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 2 May 1874 - Kansas
buried: Wait Cemetery, Parker, Linn County, Kansas Carrie Augusta McAdow
born: 17 November 1864 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 27 December 1934 -
buried: Mt. Hope Cemetery, Kansas City, Kansas
1st husband: Alva Wheeler

2nd marriage: 12 September 1896 - Anderson County Kansas
2nd husband: Thomas Howard Baber Malinda McAdow
born: 28 March 1867 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 8 April 1867 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois Alvina McAdow
born: 28 March 1867 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: April 1867 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois Sarah Jane McAdow
born: 12 February 1869 - Greenville, Bond County, Illinois
died: 6 May 1897
husband: John Redenbough Rosabell McAdow
born: 13 April 1871 - Parker, Linn County, Kansas
died: 1942
husband: Peter Peterson
husband: Charles Morris James Foster McAdow
born: 18 April 1875 - Parker, Linn County, Kansas
died: 2 July 1965
buried: Hampden Memorial Estates, Denver, Denver County, Colorado
wife: Mary Hill Joseph Hayes McAdow
born: 18 April 1875 - Parker, Linn County, Kansas
died: 4 February 1894 - Parker, Linn County, Kansas
buried: Highland Cemetery - Parker, Linn County, Kansas Clyde Francis McAdow
born: 19 July 1880 - Parker, Linn County, Kansas
died: 23 May 1955
wife: Mary Pooler


2.8.3. John Alexander McAdow
born: 25 July 1832 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 31 March 1857
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 18, living with parents)

2.8.4. James Smith McAdow
born: 21 July 1836 - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 14, living with parents)
1860 Census - Buchanan, Johnson County, Texas (age 23, living with parents)
(fought with 10th Texas Infantry in the Civil War)

2.8.5. David McLean McAdow
born: 8 March 1838 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 25 July 1865 - Little Rock, Arkansas
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 12, living with parents)

2.8.6. Mary Hanna "Polly" McAdow
born: 3 December 1841 - Bond County, Illinois
died: 11 April 1930 - Johnson County, Texas
buried: Old Bethany Cemetery - Godley, Johnson County, Texas
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 9, living with parents)
1860 Census - Buchanan, Johnson County, Texas (age 18, living with parents)
1900 Census - Johnson County, Texas
1910 Census - Godley, Johnson County, Texas (Mary H. Dillard, widow, age 69)
1920 Census - Godley, Johnson County, Texas (Mary H. Dillard, widow, age 79, living with her son John T. Dillard)
married: 4 August 1861
husband: Joel Lewis Dillard
born: 29 December 1825
died: 2 January 1887
buried: Old Bethany Cemetery - Godley, Johnson County, Texas

Children of Mary Hanna McAdow and Joel Lewis Dillard: Nancy Eleanor Dillard
born: 24 July 1868 - Texas
died: 22 January 1954
1900 Census - Johnson County, Texas (Ellen, age 31)
1910 Census - Godley, Johnson County, Texas (Ella, age 41)
1920 Census - Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas (Ella N., age 51)
1930 Census - Johnson County, Texas (Nancy E., age 61)
buried: Rosehill Cemetery - Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas
husband: William Harrison Griffith
born: 10 October 1867 - Tennessee
died: 29 March 1950
1900 Census - Johnson County, Texas (William, age 32)
1910 Census - Godley, Johnson County, Texas (Will H., age 42)
1920 Census - Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas (William H., age 52)
1930 Census - Johnson County, Texas (William H., age 62)
buried: Rosehill Cemetery - Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas

Children of Nancy Eleanor Dillard and William Harrison : Walter Lee Griffith
born: 1887
died: 1968
buried: Pearson Cemetery - Pearson, Cleburne County, Arkansas
wife: Ida Bell Vinther
born: 1889
died: 1974
buried: Pearson Cemetery - Pearson, Cleburne County, Arkansas

Children of Walter Lee Griffith and Ida Bell Vinther Griffith: Freddie Lee "Cotton" Griffith
born: 24 February 1918 - Godley, Johnson County, Texas
died: 26 June 2009 - Quitman, Cleburne County, Arkansas
buried: Pearson Cemetery - Pearson, Cleburne County, Arkansas
married: 22 October 1947 - San Angelo, Texas
wife: Mary Frances Lieber
born: 9 October 1924
died: 25 December 2002
buried: Pearson Cemetery - Pearson, Cleburne County, Arkansas

Children of Freddie Lee Griffith and Mary Frances Lieber Griffith: Susan Griffith John Thomas Dillard
born: 18 November 1871
died: 25 July 1927
buried: Godley Cemetery - Godley, Johnson County, Texas


2.8.7. Elizabeth Ann "Betsy" McAdow
born: 6 April 1843 - Bond County, Illinois
1850 Census - Bond County, Illinois (age 7, living with parents)
1860 Census - Buchanan, Johnson County, Texas (age 17, living with parents)

2.8.8. William Marshall McAdow
born: 23 July 1846
died: 24 August 1846

2.8.9. Nancy Leucretia Isabel McAdow
born: 11 February 1850
died: 17 September 1852 ? - not on 1850 census


3. John McAdoo

born: c1762 - in Orange County (the part that later became Guilford County), North Carolina
died: before 1820 - probably Clay/Jackson County, Tennessee
attended Alamance Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina
1800 Census - Salisbury Township, Guilford County, North Carolina (John McAdow, age 45 and over)
1st marriage: 27 September 1783 - Guilford County, North Carolina
1st wife: Judith Stewart
[daughter of Finley Stewart and Prudence Shaw]
born: 22 February 1766 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 17 March 1797 - Guilford County, North Carolina (died in childbirth)
buried: Alamance Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina

Children of John McAdow and Judith Stewart McAdow:

3.1. Sarah McAdoo
born: c1786
died: 10 September 1845
buried: Alamance Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina
husband: John Hanner
[son of Rody Hanner and Sarah Ervin]
born: c1784
died: 1 July 1840
buried: Alamance Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina

Children of Sarah McAdoo Hanner and John Hanner:

3.1.1. Eli William Hanner
born: 21 February 1815 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 15 June 1886 - Guilford County, North Carolina
buried: Tabernacle United Methodist Church Cemetery - Pleasant Garden, Guilford County, North Carolina
wife: Mary l. Dicks
[daughter of Nathan Dicks and Eleanor Cude]
born: 20 April 1822 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 17 April 1881 - Guilford County, North Carolina
buried: Tabernacle United Methodist Church Cemetery - Pleasant Garden, Guilford County, North Carolina


2nd wife of John ("Devil John") McAdoo: Lily Cook



4. William McAdow
born: c1764 - in Orange County (the part that later became Guilford County), North Carolina
1800 Census - Salisbury Township, Guilford County, North Carolina (William McAdow, age 26-44
married: 31 October 1788 - Guilford County, North Carolina
wife: Martha Black


5. James McAdow
in Orange County (the part that later became Guilford County), North Carolina
Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 9 October 1799 - Guilford County, North Carolina
wife: Margaret Houston
born: 11 June 1761
died: 28 March 1830

Children of James McAdow and Margaret Houston McAdow:

5.1. John McAdow
He was the trustee of Dickson County, Tennessee for fourteen years.
born: 25 April 1782 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 1856 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1800 Census - Salisbury Township, Guilford County, North Carolina (John McAdow, age 45 and over)
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (John Mcadoo, age 69, born NC)
married: - Dickson County, Tennessee
wife: Cecilia Hannah McNeiley
[daughter of Hugh McNeilly and Margaret Martin]
born: c1804 - Davidson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Hannah Mcadoo, age 51, born SC)
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Hannah McAdow, age 61, born TN)

Children of John McAdow and Hannah McNeiley McAdow:

5.1.1. James H. McAdow
born: 17 June 1823 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: December 1884 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Jas. H. McAdoo, age 27)
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (James H. McAdoo, age 35)
1870 Census - District 2, Humphreys County, Tennessee (James H. McAdoo, age 47)
1880 Census - District 6, Humphreys County, Tennessee (James H. McAdoo, age 55)
1900 Census - District 6, Humphyreys County, Tennessee (James H. McAdoo, age 76)
1st married: 1845
wife: Emily Catherine Box
born: 22 November 1828 - Tennessee
died: 17 December 1884
buried: McAdoo Cemetery - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Emily McAdoo, age 22)
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Emily McAdoo, age 31)
1870 Census - District 2, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Emily C. McAdoo, age 40)
1880 Census - District 6, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Emily C. McAdoo, age 48)


2nd marriage of James H. McAdow: 23 February 1886 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
2nd wife: Ann Eliza Batson
born: July 1845 - Tennessee
1900 Census - District 6, Humphyreys County, Tennessee (Eliza B. McAdoo, age 54)

Children of James H. McAdow and Emily Catherine Box McAdow: Elizabeth Rebecca McAdow
born: 15 November 1846 - Tennessee
died: 26 June 1873 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
buried: McAdoo Cemetery - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Elizabeth McAdoo, age 4)
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Rebecca McAdoo, age 14)
husband: Dr. Richard S. Napier
born: 17 August 1832 - Tennessee
died: 9 August 1881 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
buried: McAdoo Cemetery - Humphreys County, Tennessee

Children of Elizabeth Rebecca McAdow Napier and Richard S. Napier: James H. "Jimmy" Napier
born: 19 March 1871 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
died: 9 November 1873 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
buried: McAdoo Cemetery - Humphreys County, Tennessee John Napier
born: 17 June 1873 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
died: 17 June 1873 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
buried: McAdoo Cemetery - Humphreys County, Tennessee Margaret McAdow
born: c1847 - Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Margaret McAdoo, age 3)
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Margaret McAdoo, age 12) John McAdoo
born: c1850 - Tennessee
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (John McAdoo, age 10) Thomas M. McAdoo
born: c1852 - Tennessee
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Thomas McAdoo, age 8)
1870 Census - District 2, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Thomas M. McAdoo, age 16) Robert James McAdoo
born: 1 October 1855 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Robert McAdoo, age 5)
1870 Census - District 2, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Robt. McAdoo, age 14)
1880 Census - District 6, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Robert J. McAdoo, age 24)
1900 Census - District 6, Humphyreys County, Tennessee (Robert J. McAdoo, age 44)
married: 6 November 1884 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
wife: Lorena Clairborne "Clattie" Lockhart
[daughter of Harrison Claiborne Lockhart and Catherine Emma King]
born: 25 January 1862 - Pleasant Hill, Stewart County, Tennessee
died: 4 December 1943 - Union City, Obion County, Tennessee William H. McAdoo
born: 1860 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 1928
buried: McAdoo Cemetery - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (William McAdoo, age 5/12)
1870 Census - District 2, Humphreys County, Tennessee (William McAdoo, age 11)
1880 Census - District 6, Humphreys County, Tennessee (William McAdoo, age 20)


5.1.2. John McNeilly McAdow
Elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Judge of the County Court in Humphreys County, Tennessee
Captain in war.
Several times represented his county in the Legislature
born: 3 April 1831 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 1908
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (John McAdow, age 29)
1870 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (John M. McAdoo, age 38)
1880 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (J. M. McAdoo, age 49)
1900 Census - District 6, Humphreys County, Tennessee (John M. McAdoo, age 69)

5.1.3. Mary Ann McAdow
born: c1832 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee
husband: Mr. Brown

5.1.4. Hugh Montgomery McAdow
born: 1838 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 1894
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee
1860 Census - District 10, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Montgomery McAdow, age 22)
1880 Census - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Hugh M. McAdoo, age 41)
Hugh M. McAdoo House. 113 N. Church Street, Waverly, Tennessee. September 19, 1998. Home, built c 1878, is a distinctive example of late Victorian-Italian Villa style. Hugh M. McAdoo, the original owner, practiced law in Waverly, and served as a State Representative and Senator. House is on the National Register of Historic Places. Inscription on Marker: “McAdoo House Built 1878 by Hugh M. McAdoo”.
married: 6 June 1876 - Davidson County, Tennessee
wife: Ellen S. Burton
born: c1850 - Tennessee
1880 Census - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Ellen B. McAdoo, age 30)

Children of Hugh Montgomery McAdoo and Ellen S. Burton McAdow: Hugh Montgomery McAdoo, Jr.
born: 3 August 1878 - Tennessee
died: 8 March 1881 - Tennessee
buried: Spring Hill Cemetery - Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
1880 Census - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Hugh M. McAdoo, age 1) Porter McAdoo
born: 19 August 1880 - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee
husband: Anders E. Anderson Alfred Hoyle McAdoo
born: 9 June 1883 • Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee

died: 1 January 1944 • Los Angeles County, California Mary Burtron McAdoo
born: July 1886 - Humphreys County, Tennessee Bessie McAdoo
born: c1877 - Tennessee
1880 Census - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Bessie McAdoo, age 3)



5.2. Mary McAdow
born: 2 February 1784
husband: James Larkins

5.3. William Houston McAdow
born: 22 June 1788

5.4. Sarah McAdow
born: 24 February 1790
husband: ? Houston

5.5. David McAdow
Sheriff of Dickson County, Tennessee for six year.
born: 24 February 1792 - Guilford County, North Carolina

5.6. Dorcas McAdow
born: 12 January 1794 - North Carolina
died: 3 June 1853 - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Charlotte Cemetery - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
husband: Thomas Nesbitt
born: 23 December 1791 - South Carolina
died: 29 May 1867 - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Charlotte Cemetery - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee

Children of Dorcas McAdow Nesbitt and Thomas Nesbitt:

5.6.1. Sarah Ann "Sallie" Nesbitt
born: 5 December 1833 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 1 April 1912 - Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Union Cemetery - Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee
married: 13 May 1856 - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
husband: Dr. Rufus Hix Sizemore
[son of James Moore Sizemore and Sarah Ann Baker]
born: 25 February 1831 - Piney River, Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 14 July 1879 - Erin, Houston County, Tennessee
buried: Oak Hill Cemetery - Erin, Houston County, Tennessee

Children of Sarah Ann Nesbitt Sizemore and Rufus Hix Sizemore: Alexander Eugene Sizemore
born: 10 October 1857 - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 23 July 1859 - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Charlotte Cemetery - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee Clarence Rufus "Skinny" Sizemore
born: 28 October 1868 - Erin, (then Stewart County, Tennessee) Houston County, Tennessee
died: 29 December 1943 - St. Louis, Missouri
buried: Union Cemetery - Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee Dr. Claude Hix Sizemore
born: 12 October 1871 - Erin, Houston County, Tennessee
died: 5 July 1927 - Hohenwald, Lewis County, Tennessee
buried: Union Cemetery - Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee



5.7. Charles McAdow
born: 12 January 1794
died: 3 June 1853

5.8. Martha McAdow
born: 3 October 1796
died: 24 October 1830

5.9. Ezra McAdow
born: 20 August 1798
died: 15 September 1834 - probably Dickson County, Tennessee
1820 Census - Dickson County, Tennessee (age 16-26, Ezra McAdoo)
1830 Census - Dickson County, Tennessere (age 30-40, Ezra McAdoo)


6. Sarah McAdow
born: c1753 - in Orange County (the part that later became Guilford County), North Carolina
died: Dickson County, Tennessee
married: 18 February 1774 - Guilford County, North Carolina
husband: John A. Larkins, Sr.
[son of Hugh Larkin and ? ?]
born: c1751 - River Shannon, Ireland
died: 7 April 1826 - Dickson County, Tennessee
Moved to Dickson County, Tennessee, where John Larkins had been granted, with his brother Hugh, two thousand acres of land by North Carolina for their conspicuous services during the Revolutionary War.
"National Banner" 7 April 1826 (Nashville, Tennessee) Obituary - In Dickson Co, John Larkin, age 75.

Children of Sarah McAdow Larkin and John A. Larkins:

6.1. James M. Larkins
born: 15 February 1775 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 25 February 1864 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Dickson County, Tennessee

married: 6 September 1810 - Guilford County, North Carolina
wife: Mary McAdow
[daughter of James McAdow and Margaret Houston]
born: 2 February 1783 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 15 August 1870 - Dickson County, North Carolina
1850 Census - Dickson County, Tennessee

Children of James M. Larkins and Mary McAdow Larkins:

6.1.1. Margaret Larkins
born: 22 June 1811 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 14 October 1898 - Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
buried: Charlotte Cemetery - Dickson County, Tennessee
married: 17 August 1837 - Dickson County, Tennessee
husband: Robert McNeilly
[son of Hugh McNeilly and Margaret Martin]
born: 12 March 1807 - Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
died: 11 January 1885 - White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Charlotte Cemetery - Dickson County, Tennessee

Children of Margaret Larkins McNeilly and Robert McNeilly: James Hugh McNeilly
Presbyterian Minister
born: 9 June 1838 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 28 September 1922 - Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
married: 10 October 1865 Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
wife: Mary Russell Weatherford


6.1.2. Ebenezer Erskine Larkins
born: 27 November 1812 - Dickson County, Tennessee
married: 16 December 1841 - Dickson County, Tennessee
wife: Elizabeth Alice Dickson
born: 13 September 1824 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 5 April 1851

6.1.3. Dorcas Larkins
born: 26 August 1814 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 3 March 1898 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Dickson County, Tennessee

6.1.4. James Calvin Larkins
born: 9 August 1816 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 21 September 1878 - Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Larkins Cemetery - White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Dickson County, Tennessee
married: 15 November 1854 - Dickson County, Tennessee
wife: Susan Gatewood
born: 1 November 1826 - Kentucky
died: 28 June 1896 - Dickson County, Tennessee
buried: Larkins Cemetery - White Bluff, Dickson County, Tennessee

6.1.5. John McAdoo Larkins
born: 15 June 1819 - Dickson County, Tennessee

6.1.6. Felix Alexander Larkins
born: 14 May 1826 - Dickson County, Tennessee



6.2. Sarah "Sally" Larkins
born: 21 May 1782
died: 22 May 1855
married: 14 February 1805
husband: Benjamin Clark, Jr.
[son of George Clark and ? ?]

6.3. John A. Larkins, Jr.
born: 17 May 1784 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: October 1840 - Dickson County, Tennessee
John Larkins, Jr. gets 250 acres on Jonses Creek from John Larkins, Sr. 18 March 1805.
Settlement of Estate: 13 October 1843 - Dickson County, Tennessee
wife: Mary Dickson
born: 1784
died: 1840

Children of John A. Larkins, Jr. and Mary Dickson Larkins:

6.3.1. Elizabeth F. Larkins
born: 1801
died: 1872

6.3.2. John Larkins
born: 1806
died: 1872

6.3.3. James Larkins
born: 1807
died: 1862

6.3.4. George Washington Larkins
born: 1809
died: 1860

6.3.5. Joseph Nelson Larkins
born: 1811
died: 1889

6.3.6. Benjamin Franklin Larkins
born: 1813
died: 1884

6.3.7. Robert Larkins
born: 1814

6.3.8. William Marshall Larkins
born: 1815
died: 1889

6.3.9. Mary Larkins
born: 1817
died: 1887

6.3.10. Sarah Larkins
born: 1819

6.3.11. Samuel Alexander Larkins
Family Biography and Photograph
born: c1823 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 13 April 1893 - Humphreys County, Tennessee
buried: Larkins Cemetery - near Hustburg, Humphreys County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Samuel Larkins, age 27, married and living with his mother-in-law who is head of household
1860 Census - District 3, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Saml Larkins, age 37, married and living with his mother-in-law who is head of household)
1870 Census - District 3, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Samuel Larkins, Farmer, age 46)
1880 Census - District 3, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Sam Larkins, Head, age 57, Farming)
married: c1847 - Tennessee
wife: Mary Cooley
[daughter of William Truitt Cooley and Margaret Crockett]
born: c1827 - Tennessee
died: 1870 (before 1870 census) - Humphreys County, Tennessee
buried: Larkins Cemetery - near Hustburg, Humphreys County, Tennessee
1840 Census - District 3, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Female age 15-19, in household of William T. Cooley)
1850 Census - Humphreys County, Tennessee (Mary Larkins, age 23, married and living with her mother who is head of household
1860 Census - District 3, Humphreys County, Tennessee (Mary Larkins, age 32, married and living with her mother who is head of household)

Children of Samuel Alexander Larkins and Mary Cooley Larkins


6.4. Joseph L. Larkins
born: 19 June 1786 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 23 September 1837 - Dickson County, Tennessee
marriage: 25 May 1815
wife: Catherine Clark
[daughter of Hance Clark and Mary Bailey]
born: 25 May 1791 - Guilford County, North Carolina
died: 30 November 1858 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Middle District, Dickson County, Tennessee (Catharine Larkins, age 59)

Children of Joseph L. Larkins and Catherine Clark Larkins:

6.4.1. Hance Clark Larkins
born: 1816
died: 11 September 1892

6.4.2. Dr. James Monroe Larkin
born: 29 June 1818 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Middle District, Dickson County, Tennessee (James M. Larkins, age 33, physician)
1860 Census - Middle Divison, Dickson County, Tennessee (J. M. Larkins, age 42, doctor)
1870 Census -
1880 Census - District 15, Montgomery County, Tennessee (J. M. Larkins, age 62, Dr.)
married: 23 December 1847 - Dickson County, Tennessee
wife: Delphia Jane Coldwell
[daughter of Abram Coldwell and Nancy Montgomery]
born: 14 September 1823 - Tennessee
died: 25 August 1861 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Middle District, Dickson County, Tennessee (Jane Larkins, age 28)
1860 Census - Middle Divison, Dickson County, Tennessee (D. J. Larkins, age 37)

Children of James Monroe Larkin and Delphia Jane Coldwell Larkin: Josephine Larkin
born: 22 August 1852 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 10 July 1853 - Dickson County, Tennessee Neill Smith Brown Larkin
born: 28 August 1856 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1860 Census - Middle Divison, Dickson County, Tennessee (N. N. S. B. Larkins, age 4) Charles Hugh Larkin
born: 15 December 1858 - Dickson County, Tennessee
1860 Census - Middle Divison, Dickson County, Tennessee (C. M. H. Larkins, age 1)
1880 Census - District 15, Montgomery County, Tennessee (C. H. Larkins, age 21, son, Printer) James Jerome Larkin
born: 25 August 1861 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: July 1863 - Dickson County, Tennessee

2nd marriage of Dr. James M. Larkin: 10 February 1866
2nd wife of Dr. James M. Larkin: Ermaline "Emma" Virginia Bagwell
[daughter of Pleasant B. Bagwell & Nancy Morrow]
born: 10 February 1840
1870 Census -
1880 Census - District 15, Montgomery County, Tennessee (E. V. Larkins, wife, age 40, keeps house)

Children of Dr. James M. Larkin and Emma V. Bagwell Larkin: Jennie Finley Larkin
born: 15 December 1873 - Tennessee
1880 Census - District 15, Montgomery County, Tennessee (Jennie Larkins, age 6, daughter)


6.4.3. Alexander Nelson Larkins
Cumberland Presbyterian Minister
born: c1831 - Dickson County, Tennessee
died: 3 April 1870 - Corbondale, Montgomery County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Middle District, Dickson County, Tennessee (A. N. Larkins, age 18 in household of his mother)
1860 Census - Middle Division, Dickson County, Tennessee (A. N. Larkins, age 29, Clergyman)
married: 5 January 1859 - Montgomery County, Tennessee
wife: Louisa Buyde Corban
(daughter of Burrell Corban and Elizabeth "Betsy" Batson)
born: c1835 -Montgomery County, Tennessee
1850 Census - Montgomery County, Tennessee (Louisa, age 16)
1860 Census - Middle Division, Dickson County, Tennessee (L. B. Larkins, age 25)

Children of Rev. Alexander Nelson Larkins and Louisa Buyde Corban Larkins: Leonora Eveyln Larkins
born: 1859 - Tennessee
died: 17 October 1867 - Montgomery County, Tennessee
1860 Census - Middle Division, Dickson County, Tennessee (L. E. Larkins, age 11/12) Shelby Byeth C. Larkins
born: 30 November 1865 - Corbondale, Montgomery County, Tennessee
died: 6 December 1922 - Greenville, Hunt County, Texas
buried: East Mount Cemetery - Greenville, Hunt County, Texas
1870 Census - District 19, Montgomery County, Tennessee (S. B. C. Larkin, age 4, living with his maternal grandfather)
1880 Census - District 19, Montgomery County, Tennessee (S. B. Larkins, age 14, living with his maternal grandfather)
1900 Census - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (Shelby Larkins, age 34)
1910 Census - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (Shelby Larkins, age 41)
married: 1889
wife: Beulah Peacher
(daughter of Joseph M. Peacher and Frances M. Outlaw)
born 19 September 1870 - Montgomery County, Tennessee
died: 27 December 1911 - Greenville, Hunt County, Texas
buried: East Mount Cemetery - Greenville, Hunt County, Texas

Children of Shelby Byeth C. Larkins and Beulah Peacher: Eula Mae Larkins
born: 10 February 1891 - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
died: 20 November 1977 - Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
1900 Census - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (Eulah Larkins, daughter, age 9]
1910 Census - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (Eula Larkin, daughter, age 19] Nellie Larkins
born: May 1893 - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
1900 Census - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (Nellie Larkins, daughter, age 7)
1910 Census - Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee (Nellie Larkin, daughter, age 16)


6.5. Robert Larkins

6.6. Mary L."Polly" Larkins
born: about 1794-North Carolina
died: 1864 - Tennessee
husband: David Shropshire
born: about 1784- Virginia
died: 1863 - Tennessee




Dr. Caruthers, speaking of the Scotch, says: "Combing the intelligence, orthodoxy and piety of the Scotch with the order and love of liberty peculiar to the Irish, they were the most efficient supporters of the American cause during the struggle for independence; and they have done more for the support of learning, morality and religion than any other class of people"

Along with the first settlers of that noble race in this County came James and John McADOO, and a little later, their sister, Nellie. They came via Charleston, S.C., and were prompted to leave home because their father, William, had married a second time, against their wishes. Upon their arrival in this section they took up large grants of land near Alamance Church, and settled there and reared large families. Nellie McADOO married John Ryan and among her children was William Ryan, who took a prominent part in the battles of Raft's Swamp and Wetzel's Mill, and represented GUILFORD COUNTY in the Legislature of 1816-1817-1818. Dr. Caruthers speaks of him as " one of our most upright and estimable citizens." Nellie McADOO Ryan died at the age of 105 years, and is buried at Buffalo Church.

John McADOO was granted, in 1759, 640 acres near Alamance Church, and he and his wife, Ellen Nelson McADOO, had among their children, David McADOO, Samuel McADOO, John, William and James McADOO. Samuel McADOO, a son of John and Ellen Nelson McADOO, was born in GUILFORD COUNTY, April 10, 1760, and educated at Mecklenburg College, and married Henrietta Wheatly. He moved with his brother-in-law, John Larkins, and James McAdoo's wife and children to Dickson County, Tennessee, where John Larkins had been granted, with his brother Hugh, two thousand acres of land by NORTH CAROLINA for their conspicuous services during the Revolutionary War. Samuel McADOO bacame a minister of great distinction, and was one of the founders of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which was organized by him and associates at his house in Dickson County, in 1810. He died in Illinois, March 24, 1844, leaving two sons and two daughters.

James McADOO married Margaret Houston, and their children were Mary, Sarah, Dorcas and Martha, John, William, David and Ezra. James McADOO died in 1800, and his wife, with her children, moved to Dickson County, Tennessee. Mary McADOO married James Larkins, Sarah married Houston, and Dorcas married Nesbitt.

John McADOO married Hannah McNeiley, and was a trustee of Dickson County for fourteen years. His brother, David, was sheriff of the county for six years. Among their children were John, Hugh and James McADOO. James now lives at Waverly, Tenn., and is the oldest elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church there, and one of the largest farmers in that county.

John M. McAdoo is the Judge of the County Court at Waverly, Tennessee, was a captain in the late war, and several times represented his county in the Legislature, and is now ruling elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Settlement of Estate of John Larkin - 13 October 1843, Dickson County, Tennessee

No 166

Settlement with John Larkins anm (administrator?) of John Larkins dec (deceased)
Recorded in Book B Page 179 1843 (Recorded at the Charlotte Courthouse, Dickson Co, TN)

John Larkins adm of John Larkins deceased

In account with said estate

To amount - in hands of adm on last settlement $547.28


1. By Washing Larkins Receipt dated 9 Nov 1842 $49.15

2. George E Smith do $49.15

3. William M Larkins do 19 Nov.1842 $49.15

4. Benjamin F Larkins do 9 Nov 1842 $49.15

5. Samuel Larkins do 10 Nov 1842 $49.15

6. A W Morris do 26 Nov 1842 $49.15

7. James Larkins do 19 Nov 1842 $49.15

8. Joseph Larkins do 6 Jul 1842 $49.15

9. Robert Larkins do 2 Dec 1842 $49.15

10. John Larkins adm Prorata $49.15


By amount - in hands of John Larkins ?

? of Samuel Larkins a minor $49.15 $540.65

By Clerk fees for this settlment and recording $6.63



" Clerks fee for making a record of refunding bonds $3.13

and now the admn prays your worshipful

Body to accept this as his final settlement

County Court Clerks Office Oct 13 1843

Tho McNeily Clerk

Updated 16 August 2022

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