Daniel Buie

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1791 - 1854

 WHEREAS, Elijah Cherry and Daniel Boe [sic: Daniel Buie] came forward and were examined on experimental religion and their call to the ministry, and having obtained a good report of their moral character, the Presbytery recommend them to go to school, study English Grammar, and prepare a written discourse as a specimen of their abilities against our next Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Cumberland Presbytery, November 3-6, 1812]

Mr. Daniel Boe [sic: Daniel Buie] being examined upon experimental religion and his motives and call to the holy ministry, and his moral standing fair, he is now received as a candidate for the ministry, and hereby ordered to prepare a written discourse from Hebrews II, first clause of the 3d verse.
[Source: Minutes of Cumberland Presbytery, April 6-9, 1813]

Daniel Buie read a discourse from Hebrews 2nd Chap and first clause of the 3rd Verse which had been previously assigned, which was sustained as parts of trial.
Ordered that Daniel Buie prepare a written discourse from Romans 5th Chap and 9th Verse to be read at our next presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, August 31, 1813]

Daniel Buie read a discourse from a text previously assigned, which was sustained as parts of trial.
Daniel Buie is directed to prepare a written discourse from St. John 5th Chap and 40th Verse, to be read at our next presbytery.
Mr. Buie is directed to ride as a missionary in the Western district until our next presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, March 8, 1814]

Daniel Buie read a discourse from a text previously assigned him, which was sustained as popular preparatory to licensure.
The Logan presbytery having received testimonials in favour of Daniel Buie of his good moral character and of his being in the communion of the Church proceeded to take the usual parts of trial for his licensure, and he having given satisfaction as to his aptness to teach, as to his experimental acquaintance with religion, as to his internal call to the ministry and as to his proficiency in Divinity. The Presbytery did and do hereby express their approbation of all those parts of trial, and he having adopted the confession of faith of this church and satisfactorily answered the questions to be put to candidate to be licensed, the Presbytery did and do hereby license him the said Daniel Buie, to preach the gospel of Christ as a probationer for the holy ministry, within the bounds of the Presbytery or wherever else God in his providence may cast his lot.
Ordered that Daniel Buie ride equally on each district until our next Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, October 5, 1814]

Presbytery allots the Library in the following manner, second and eighty Volumes of C. Monitor and Halcombs letters to Daniel Buie.
Ordered that Daniel Buie ride the whole of his time around both Districts in succession until our next presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, April 4, 1815]

Ordered that the former allotment of books of the Library stand till next presbytery and that the following allotment of books be made, second Vol. of Davis's sermons to Daniel Buie.
Ordered that Daniel Buie ride the whole of his time until next presbytery and supply the vacancies most remote from the settled preachers.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, November 1815]

On inquiry it appears that Daniel Buie has complied with the orders of last Presbytery.
Ordered that Daniel Buie supply the vacancies south of Cumberland River.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, April 1816]

Ordered that Daniel Buie ride the whole of his time as a missionary until next Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, November 1816]

On inquiry in appears that Mr. Buie has filled the mission assigned him by order of last Presbytery.
Ordered that Daniel Buie ride until the first of October next.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, April 1, 1817]

Presbytery having received petitions for the Ordination of Daniel Buie, and having knowledge of his aptness to teach, his usefulness in the ministry and his moral character standing fair, do appoint Messrs. Finis Ewing, Alexander Chapman and John Barnett to meet at Mt. Moriah in Logan County, Kentucky, on the 1st Friday in May next, and compose an Intermediate Presbytery for the Ordination of Daniel Buie, and that Finis Ewing preach the Ordination Sermon, preside and give the charge. Ordered that said Buie deliver a sermon from Gal. 5th Chap. and 22nd Verse preparatory to his ordination.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, April 7, 1818]

The presbytery proceeded to examine Daniel Buie a licentiate, on experimental religion, his internal call and motives to the ministry, and on Natural and Revealed theology.
Members present as on yesterday, and resumed the examination of Daniel Buie, upon Philosophy, Astronomy, Geography, English Grammar, Ecclesiastical history and of his knowledge of the constitution of the church, all of which were satisfactory, said Buie also delivered a sermon from a text previously assigned him which was sustained. Rev. Finis Ewing preached the Ordination sermon, from 1st Timothy 4th Chap and 16th Verse.
The moderator after making some preparatory remarks proposed the necessary questions to said Daniel Buie required by our Discipline, which were all answered in the affirmative.
The Presbytery did by the imposition of hands and solemn prayer, set apart and Ordain said Daniel Buie to the whole work of the ministry after which the Moderator gave a solemn charge.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, May 1818]

Member absent: Daniel Buie.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, April 6, 1819]

Member absent: Daniel Buie.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, November 16, 1819]

McGee Presbytery stricken off of Logan Presbytery by order of Cumberland Synod.

Whereas, it has been represented to Synod that members of the Logan Presbytery are located over an extensive tract of country, Synod therefore resolved to divide said Presbytery by the following metes and bounds, viz.: Commencing at the source of the Oakaw river, thence northwardly to indefinite boundaries from said source, down the Oakaw river to the Mississippi river; thence down the Mississippi to its confluence; all West of which shall be the boundary of a Presbytery, hereafter to be constituted, to be known by the name of the McGee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, to be composed of the following members, viz.: Green P. Rice, Daniel Buie, and Robert D. Morrow, members at present of the Logan Presbytery, and John Carnahan, at this time a member of the Elk Presbytery, and any other member or members that may move into said bounds before said Presbytery be constituted, or any three of them. The above Presbytery shall hold its first meeting at or near the place where Robert D. Morrow held a camp-meeting, on the waters of Salt river, Missouri Territory, on the fourth Tuesday in next May, and report their proceedings to our next Synod; Green P. Rice, or, in his absence, John Carnahan or Daniel Buie, to be moderator until they constitute.

Resolved, That the present clerk transmit a copy of the above order to Green P. Rice and the other members who are to compose the above Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Cumberland Synod, October 22, 1819]

Member absent: Daniel Buie.
[Source: Minutes of Logan Presbytery, April 4, 1820]


Minister absent: D. Buie (by permission)
[Source: Minutes of the New Lebanon Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 1854, page 1]

It being announced to the Presbytery, that, Rev. Daniel Buie a member of this Presbytery has departed this life, a committee consisting of Bros. P. G. Rea, J. W. McDowell, and John Miller, was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of this Presbytery, and Bro. P. G. Rea was appointed to preach his funeral an to-morrow at 11 oclock.
On motion the following preamble and resolutions were adopted. Whereas the Great Head of the Church in his all wise & most Gracious Providence, has removed by death Rev. Daniel Buie, the oldest minister of this Presbytery, from his scene of sufferings on earth, we humbly trust to his reward in Heaven, resolved, therefore:
First, that we now with humble submission to the voice of Divine Providence in his removal from us.
Second, That we record our testimony in favor of his purity, zeal and, usefulness to the Church, previous to his mental derangement.
Third, that we sympathize with his afflicted family, and commend them to the God of the fatherless and judge of the widow.
Fourth, that the Stated clerk furnish the widow of father Buie, with a copy of these resolutions and signed by the Moderator and clerk of the Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of the New Lebanon Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 7, 1854, pages 12 & 20-21]

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Updated May 13, 2009