Rev. JAMES Y. BARNETT, departed this life, at his residence in Christian county, Ky., on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1848, in the 50th year of his age.
Brother Barnett was born in Wilson Co., Tenn., on the 31st of Jan., 1798, where he lived until he arrived at manhood. He embraced religion at an early age, and attached himself to the C.P. church. About that time, he removed to the county in which he died.
He became a candidate for the ministry under the care of Logan Presbytery, in 1819, and was licensed by that Presbytery in the fall of 1820, as a probationer for the holy ministry. Possessed of a good natural mind, by diligent study and close appreciation, he soon became an acceptable and useful minister, and was set apart to the whole work. His efforts to render himself extensively useful to the church, were untiring. His zeal in the cause of Christ, when in the pulpit, and his devotion in the private circle, discovered a greater desire to be useful, than to be great. Few ministers of our church have undergone greater hardships and privations, and yet few labored more in the vineyard than he. From the commencement of his career, his whole soul seemed to be in the work. He was more a practical, than doctrinal preacher. He never studied to make his sermons pretty, but plain, pointed and energetic. The fruits of his toil may be seen in the congregations where he labored; and some there are yet living in sin, who will never forget the expressions they received under his faithful ministration of divine truth. He made no great noise in the world; but his true worth was known best by those who waited on his ministry, or have seen him in the judicatories of the church.
For nearly two years previous to his death; brother Barnett was the subject of severe and painful affliction, which he bore with christian patience and fortitude, and which disqualified him for active labor in the Lord's vineyard. The disease (dyspepsia) of which he died, was of a flattering character, which, together with the mistaken opinions of his friends, served to conceal from him, the speed with which he was hurrying to the grave.
A short time before he expired, he was informed how critical
was his situation. To which he replied, "Well, I am not
afraid to die; my sins are all pardoned." He then closed
his eyes and departed without a struggle. He has left an affectionate
wife and four children, to lament his death, with a large circle
of warm friends who feel deeply the loss they have sustained,
and sympathize with his family in their bereavement. Of his four
children, one is an only son, in whose behalf the afflicted widow
asks the prayers of the church, for his conversion, usefulness
and salvation.
[Source: Banner of Peace, March 24, 1848, page 3]
The BARNETTS were an extraordinary family in their time. John, William, and James Y. Barnett were brothers, and all ministers of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. John Barnett lived and labored in Caldwell county. He had a long, and at one time troublesome connection with the financial department of Cumberland college. William Barnett was one of the most powerful and popular preachers of his time. He lived a number of years in Christian county, then removed to Henderson, and finally to western Tennessee, where he died in 1827. James Y. Barnett lived and labored in Christian county..
[Source: Collins' History of Kentucky, vol. 1, 1976 reprint, pages 435-436]
1819 Nov 18 - Logan Presbytery - Candidate
1820 Oct 20 - Logan Presbytery - Licensed
1822 Apr 5 - Anderson Presbytery - Ordained
1824 Oct - Cumberland Synod - Present [Anderson Presbytery]
1825 Oct - Cumberland Synod - Present [Anderson Presbytery]
1827 Nov 20 - Cumberland Synod - Absent [Anderson Presbytery]
1827 Nov. 21 - Cumberland Synod - Present [Anderson Presbytery]
1828 Oct 25 - Cumberland Synod
Whereas, From the minutes of the Anderson Presbytery, it appears that the Presbytery had been impelled by public form to depose James Y. Barnett from his office in his absence; Resolved, That that Presbytery be recommended to reconsider his case, and decide the same as they may deem lawful and prudent.
1833 May 21 - Anderson Presbytery
1833 May - General Assembly [Anderson Presbytery]
1838 May 14 - General Assembly [Anderson Presbytery]
1840 May 19 - General Assembly [Anderson Presbytery]
1848 Feb 14 - died - Christian County, Kentucky