Dr. S. T. Anderson is dead. He was called from his earthly home at Los Angeles, Cal., and entered into the heavenly rest January 10. The news of his death will bring sorrow to hundreds who knew him as teacher, pastor, fellow worker, and friend. The writer of this notice, while a student in Waynesburg College first knew Dr. Anderson as a teacher and pastor, and afterward as a friend tried and true. He was faithful, industrious, conscientious, never shirking duty. He was a generous friend and helper of young men under his charge. A most painstaking and diligent student and devout Christian, he always set a `the church of his choice. He was a graduate of Cumberland University and Union Theological Seminary, New York. He was sixty-six years old. An extended notice of his life and work, sent by John Shirley Ward, comes too late for this issue. It will appear next week.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 2, 1893, page 1]
Rev. S. T. Anderson was born in Wilson county, Tenn., June 17, 1826; died at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 10, 1893, aged 66 years, 6 months, and 23 days; graduated at Cumberland University, also at Union Theological Seminary, New York. After graduating from the Seminary he went to Mississippi and rode the circuit one year; he then went to Daingerfield, Texas, as Professor of Mathematics in the college there.
In the year 1856 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Carpenter, of Troy, N.Y.; in 1858 he was elected president of the Female Seminary at Oxford, Miss.; and in 1860 was elected president of the Boonville Female Seminary, Boonville, Mo. During the war he moved to Waynesburg, Pa.; while there he was pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, also Professor of Hebrew and Greek in Waynesburg College. His health demanding a change he moved to Niagara Falls, N.Y., and from there to Lebanon, Ohio, where he was pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church; from Lebanon he moved to Napoli, N.Y., and while pastor of the church there he received his call to the foreign missionary field at Trinidad, West Indies, at which place he spent five years. While there he prepared himself for the Hindoo mission in Demarrara, but owing to the enervating climate and arduous duties of the mission his health failed so that he was compelled to return to the United States, where he accepted a call as Professor of Mathematics in Trinity University, Tehuacana, Texas, remaining there five years. Owing to overwork and failing health, he was compelled to have a complete change of climate, work, etc. He, therefore, moved to California, where he passed his remaining years devoting his time to fruit culture. He received from Cumberland University the degree of D.D. and Ph.D.; was also a delegate to the General Assembly a number of times.
Here are grouped some of the facts in the life of Dr. Anderson. They tell of achievement and of sacrifice. The class of 1857 of Cumberland University turned out some of the brightest and most useful men in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, among them, Drs. Ward, Blake, and Anderson. They were among the first contributions which our higher literary institutions gave to the Cumberland Presbyterian pulpit. Dr. Anderson dedicated a long life to the elevation of his church in her educational work, and was one of her pioneers in the foreign field.
He only lacked a very little of being a very great man. His modesty, his self-repression and his want of self-assertion kept him from demanding the position in the church and in the literary world to which his broad and varied scholarship and his kindly heart entitled him. I have often, seeing Dr. Anderson walking along the streets of Los Angeles in his modest garb and manner, thought how few of those who flitted by him would ever think they had touched a man who was not only a master in English literature and at home in the Latin, Greek, and Hindostanee languages, but was also a master of all the problems of Euclid and La Place. Dr. Anderson's end was like his life, quiet, peaceful, and serene. He leaves a bereaved wife and three sons to mourn a great loss. The Cumberland Presbyterian church should see to it that the places made vacant in her pulpits by the death of such men as Dr. Anderson shall be filled by men who have not only the revival spirit of the Fathers, but all the culture of this cultured age.
Los Angeles, Cal.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 9, 1893, page 467]
S. T. Anderson,
D.D., Waynesburg, Green County, Pa.
Minister -
Presbytery - Pennsylvania
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1865, page 207]
S. T. Anderson,
D.D., LaSalle, N.Y.
Minister - Pennsylvania
Presbytery - Pennsylvania
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1868, page 107]
S. T. Anderson,
D.D., Lebanon, Ohio
Minister - Miami
Presbytery - Ohio
Elected Moderator of the General
Commissioner to General Assembly in Murfreesboro,
Tennessee, May 20-27, 1869.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1869, pages 6, 7 & 84]
S. T. Anderson,
D.D., Lebanon, Ohio
Minister - Miami
Presbytery - Ohio
Commissioner to General Assembly
in Warrensburg, Missouri, May 19-26, 1870.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1870, pages 5 & 79]
S. T. Anderson,
D.D., Lebanon, Ohio
Minister - Miami
Presbytery - Ohio
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1871, page 80]
D.D., S. T., Lebanon, Ohio
Minister - Miami
Presbytery - Ohio
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1872, page 119]
Not in List
S. T., D.D., Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
- Miami
Presbytery - Ohio
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1874, page 95]
S. T., D.D., San Fernando, Trinidad
Minister -
Presbytery - Ohio
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1875, page 81]
S. T., D.D., San Fernando, Trinidad
Minister -
Presbytery - Ohio
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1876, page 91]
S. T., D.D., Port of Spain, Trinidad
Minister -
Presbytery - Ohio
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1877, page 86]
S. T., D.D., Tehuacana, Tex.
Minister - Tehuacana
Presbytery - Brazos
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1878, page 100]
S. T., D.D., Tehuacana, Tex.
Minister - Tehuacana
Presbytery - Brazos
Commissioner to General Assembly
in Memphis, Tennessee, May 15-22, 1879.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1879, pages 4 & 96]
S. T., D.D., Tehuacana, Tex.
Minister - Tehuacana
Presbytery - Brazos
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1880, page 123]
S. T., Tehuacana, Tex.
Minister - Tehuacana
Presbytery - Brazos
Commissioner to General Assembly
in Austin, Texas, May 19-25, 1881.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1881, pages 4 & 95]
S. T., D.D., Tehuacana, Tex.
Minister - Tehuacana
Presbytery - Brazos
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1882, page 125]
S. T., D.D., Tehuacana, Tex.
Minister - Tehuacana
Presbytery - Brazos
Commissioner to General Assembly
in Nashville, Tennessee, May 17-24, 1883.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1883, pages 4 & 133]
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
S. T., D.D., Los Angeles, Cal.
Minister - Tulare
Presbytery - Pacific
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1890, page 131]
S. T., D.D., Los Angeles, Cal.
Minister - Tulare
Presbytery - Pacific
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1891, page 146]
S. T., D.D., Los Angeles, Cal.
Minister - Tulare
Presbytery - Pacific
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1892, page 153]
of Committee on Deceased Ministers
Name: S.
T. Anderson, D.D.
Presbytery: Tulare
Time of Death: April 5, 1893
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1893, page 45]