An older church in a declining neighborhood in Nashville and a new mission fellowship in a new area have merged. The Arrington Street Church, which faced the problem of a number of older churches in urban areas where most of its congregation had moved away, and the neighborhood was declining, and the Parkwood fellowship, a year-old mission group which hadn't formally organized as a church, and which is under the care of Nashville Presbytery, have joined forces.
The new congregation which is under the direction of the Board of Missions and Evangelism of the presbytery will not formally organize for some time yet.
Both churches are located in the eastern area of the city and a good number of the Arringotn Street members were living in close proximity to the Parkwood church. A survey indicated that there were not enough members in the area for two churches and both groups approved the plan.
By bringing together the memberships and the strength of both groups the church has a good opportunity for rapid development.
The Arrington Street group has sold its old property, including church and manse, and has financed the erection of another educational unit at the Parkwood church; this will give ample space for the merged congregation.
The Arrington Street group began meeting with the Parkwood group the first of December and the mission pastor, Rev. Don Clark, is serving as the pastor. Rev. Charles Newbold, who has been serving the Arrington Street church has been assisting in the merger of the congregations. He has accepted a call to the Christ church, Indianapolis, effective the first of February.
The Arrington Street group numbers about 127 members and the Parkwood group, about 35.
Tentative plans are to formally organize the new congregation
in its new completed facilities on Easter 1963.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January
22, 1963, page 3]
As it has
been the responsibility and opportunity of the Board of Missions
and Evangelism to direct the organization of the Parkwood Mission,
and also the organization of the Mission into a Church, and in
answer to the following communication from said Church:
undersigned respectfully represent, that on the 21st day of April,
1963, there was organized by the Board of Mission of Nashville
Presbytery with the Rev. Hubert Covington, presiding, at Parkwood
(3203 Brick Church Pike, Nashville 7, Tennessee), a new church,
adopting the principles of the governmetn of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, with a membership of 162, and electing the undersigned
as ruling elders.
Under and by authority of said church, we do hereby apply to
be received under your care, and we promise cheerful compliance
on its part, as well as our own, with all the duties and obligations
enjoined upon particular churches and their officers by the Governmetn
of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church." May 6, 1963
Lloyd Mitchell, Clerk
James Driver,
Thomas Preslar, William D. Karnes, Jr., Paul Simmons, Don R. Moore,
Edgar E. Harlin, Jr., Leo Vincent, J. R. Lawhorn
We recommend that Parkwood Church be received, and thereby enrolled as a member of Nashville Presbytery, and its elder representative be seated as a member of this body.
That the Rev. Don Clark be approved as pastor of the Parkwood Church and a commission be appointed to install him as such.
That the Arrington Street Church be dissolved and the remaining members who have not become Charter Members of the Parkwood Church be placed on the roll of the Parkwood Church.
[Source: Report of the Board of Missions and Evangelism. Minutes of Nashville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, May 13, 1963, pages 8-9]
A resolution
from Parkwood Church was received. On motion, the resolution changing
the name of Parkwood Church to Parkway
Church was adopted, marked appendix "A" and
Nashville Presbytery meeting at the Mt. Denson Cumberland Presbyterian
From: The Session of Parkwood Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
Dear Fathers and Brethren:
Whereas, Parkwood Church was formed by Nashville Presbytery
in 1961 with the understanding that it would be located in the
center of a large subdivision to be known as Parkwood Estates,
Whereas, this proposed sub-division only partly
materialized (about 50%), and that a section of this sub-division
which was to included in Parkwood Estates has now been renamed
Golden Valley Estates, and;
Whereas, the name "Parkwood"
tends to lead people to believe that we are a "small sub-division"
church, and;
Whereas, the Church Session feels
that our name should identify us with the larger immediate area
around us (Maplewood, Hillhurts, Bellshire, Dalemere, Whites Cree,
Brekenridge Valley and Joelton), and;
our physical land area is changing so that the church building
is located at the intersection of Briley Parkway and I-24,
Be it therefore resolved, that Parkwood Church be
allowed to change its name officially to Parkway
Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
The Session
unanimously adopted this resolution on September 8, 1974.
[Source: Minutes of Nashville Presbytery
of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1974,
pages 10 & 13]