First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Lincoln, Logan County, Illinois

1857 - present

North Central Presbytery

Synod of the Midwest

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
110 Broadway
PO Box 596
Lincoln, Illinois 62656


Lincoln-Decatur Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Name of Church: Lincoln
Minister in Charge: Chas. A. Galloway
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Jas. R. Park, Lincoln, Ill.
Total Number of Members: 164
Value of Church: 22,000
S. S. Superintendent: J. E. Hall, 628 Lincoln Ave, Lin.
S. S. Secretary and Address: Mary J. Paterson, Lincoln, Ill.
Number in Sunday School: 100
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1914, pages 185 & 210]

Lincoln-Decatur Presbytery - Illinois Synod
Name of Church: Lincoln
Minister in Charge: Chas. A. Galloway
Clerk of Session and Post Office: James R. Park, Lincoln, Ill.
Total Number of Members: 172
Value of Church: 22,000
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1915, page 180]

In the above we have the pictures of the beautiful new Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Lincoln, Illinois, and its pastor. When the U. S. A. congregation of Lincoln abandoned their own house of worship and dispossessed our people of their house of worship the spirit of genuine Cumberlandism prompted our our people to provide themselves with a new house of worship, and on last Sunday [May 11, 1913]they dedicated the most beautiful and up-to-date church in the city of Lincoln. As is clearly indicated by his face, the Rev. Charles A. Galloway is a man who staggers at no undertaking when convinced that he is in the right. The house was dedicated free of debt and alongside of it stands a beautiful and commodious manse. It is just obliquely across the street from our former house of worship, which is now occupied by the congregation of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, May 15, 1913, page 1]


The Lord is leading us into paths that we know not of. He is opening up new fields of opportunity the occupying of which is imperatively demanded of the Cumberland Presbyterians of Lincoln. The First Cumberland Presbyterian congregation, their pastor and evangelists, T. D. Harris and A. M. Bankson, were the instruments through which the Lord sent a great revival of Holy Ghost religion to Lincoln during October and November last. This revival spirit spread to various parts of the city and proved to be a great up-lift to many people especially to what Christ terms "the common people." The people who are willing to hear the gospel. Our labors were blessed in a special manner in the western part of Lincoln, and were wonderfully helped and supplemented through the untiring efforts of Rev. M. Shreffler of Springfield, Ill., who, in the interest of the National Home Mission Work of Illinois, conducted services in what is known here as "The White Church." This church house was erected and maintained for several years by the Methodist Protestant Denomination, but has not been in use for several years except occasionally for a funeral, etc.

This building is on one of the highest elevations in the city. The lots are 80x150 feet. This property has been purchased for the Cumberland Presbyterians. The old building will be moved to one end of the lot and a new frame building will be erected which will occupy practically fifty feet square, with basement underneath the entire building. The excavating for the new building has already commenced. The contract for the building will be let within a week.

We will use the old building for Sunday school, prayer meetings, etc., until the new building is finished. We organized a Sunday school there last Sunday afternoon, and the prospects for an extra large Sunday school are very bright. For the present there will be only one Cumberland Presbyterian organization, but we will have two places of worship, with two Sunday schools, two prayer meetings, and morning and evening preaching services at the First Church building, and afternoon preaching at the new place of worship. The Lord is most wonderfully blessing us here and we believe it comes to us because we are willing and do preach the truth without fear or favor. Of course, there are little things that "bob up" once in a while that causes a ripple on the waves, but we have gotten to the place where we do not notice little things but are willing to trust in the Lord and go forward. We hope to give a good report from time to time of our work here.
Charles A. Galloway
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 30, 1914, page 13]


The First Cumberland Presbyterian Mission of Lincoln, Ill., of which mention was made in the columns of this paper a few months since, will be dedicated to the Lord, Sunday 3 p. m., September 20, 1914.

Rev. J. L. Hudgins, of Nashville, Tenn., will deliver the sermon. This will make the second Cumberland Presbyterian Church dedicated in Lincoln within two years.

In a financial way, this has been made possible through the sacrificing liberality of Elder Arthur Quisenberry. Eternity alone will reveal the great amount of good that will come through the benevolent acts of this true soldier of the cross.

We have many other true Cumberland Presbyterians who have given of their time and means to make possible these places of worship. We are to begin a series of meetings to continue on from the date of dedication. We ask the prayers of the entire denomination that the Lord will give us scores of souls for our efforts.

Our mission will seat very comfortable 325 people. We already have a nice little Sunday school, and the best prayer-meeting in the city. A description of the building will be given with the account of the dedicatory services, which we expect to give later.
Charles A. Galloway
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, September 17, 1914, page 9]

Lincoln, Ill.--Sunday, September 20, 1914, at 3:00 p. m., the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church building, located at the corner of Sixth and Jackson Streets, in Lincoln, Ill., was properly and impressively dedicated to the Lord. Rev. J. L. Hudgins, of Nashville, Tenn., delivered the sermon. Other ministers who participated in the service were, Rev. J. H. Hughey, of Decatur, Ill., Rev. J. H. Milholland, of Charleston, Ill.; and the pastor of the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Lincoln. The church building is located in a part of the city where it is needed very badly on account of all other church buildings (with the exception of Lincoln Hill Presbyterian, three blocks away), being far removed from the western part of the city. This part of the city has great possibilities. Many good people live here. There are many children who are not in Sunday school. There are many people here, both old and young, who do not attend church services down town. We believe that the "Whosoever will" doctrine of the Bible as it is taught by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church will be most wonderfully blessed if faithfully preached in this part of Lincoln as it has been in so many other places. Our building will seat about 325 people. There is an auditorium 34x50 ft. and three class rooms 11x16 fit., on the main floor. The class rooms can be thrown in with auditorium when needed. There is a choir space that will seat twenty persons. The auditorium is seated with elegant pews in circular arrangement. Other spaces of the building is seated with chairs. There is a basement the full size of the church building. In this basement there is a furnace room, coal room, toilet room, and a large room 34-34 feet. The building is wired throughout for electricity, and is fitted up with piping and fixtures for gas, and is lighted at present with gas. The total cost of the building and the two beautiful lots on part of which it stands will cost about $6,000. About $750 was subscribed on dedicated day. The building was dedicated free from indebtedness, there being a balance of about $750 assumed by the Chairman of Board of Trustees and others. This makes more than $35,000 subscribed and paid by Cumberland Presbyterians and their friends in Lincoln, within the past two years. Pray for us that we may fulfill our mission in meeting our responsibilities, which we believe are equal to our possibilities.
Charles A. Galloway
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, October 7, 1914, pages 12-13]

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Updated March 5, 2013