The Intermediate Presbytery met at Mr.
Robert Bell's, on Bean's Creek, of Elk River, the 20th
of July, 1810, agreeably to appointment, for the purpose of hearing
trials preparatory to Mr.
Bell's ordination. Members present: The Reverend Messrs.
Ewing, Samuel
King, Hugh
Kirkpatrick, and James
B. Porter, and Elders Chatham Ewing and John Gilmore.
Ewing was appointed Moderator and Mr.
Porter Clerk. Constituted with prayer.
Bell delivered a sermon from the subject assigned him
last Presbytery, which was unanimously sustained.
adjourned, by prayer, to meet to-morrow morning at nine o'clock.
JULY 21.
met agreeably to adjournment. Members present as on yesterday.
Opened with prayer.
examined Mr.
Bell on the various parts or branches of literature which
are required by the Constitution of Cumberland Presbytery, which
examinations were sustained. Mr.
Ewing preached the ordination sermon, and after requiring
him to answer the necessary questions in the Discipline, proceeded
(agreeably to the usages of the Church and form in Discipline)
solemnly to set him, Robert
Bell, apart by prayer and imposition of hands, to the
whole work of the gospel ministry; the whole concluded with prayer.
Given under our hands, this 21st
day of July, 1810.
EWING, Moderator.
B. PORTER, Clerk.