James Forrest

1795 - 1856

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

October 6, 1848 - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee
Licentiate absent: J. Forrest
Charlotte Presbytery
[Source: "Extracts of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, May 10, 1848, page 2]

March 1, 1849 - Waverly, Humphreys County, Tennessee
Licentiate present: J. Forest
Charlotte Presbytery
[Source: "Extracts of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, April 6, 1849, page 3]

September 7, 1849 - Mt. Vernon camp-ground, Hickman county, Tennessee
Ordained: J. Forest
Brother Jas Forest was ordered to spend the whole of his time on the Dover circuit, until the next stated session of this Presbytery.
Charlotte Presbytery
[Source: "Extracts of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, October 20, 1849, page 2]

October 26-27, 1850 - Charlotte, Dickson County, Tennessee
Minister present: Jas Forrest
James Forrest served on the Committee on Theology.
[Source: "Extracts of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, December 27, 1850, page 1]

March 24, 1853 - Centre Valley Church
Minister present: J. Forest
Rev. James Forrest was chosen Moderator.
James Forrest - Chairman of the Committee of Examination
Charlotte Presbytery
[Source: Extracts of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery in The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, 29 April 1853, page 1]

Ministerial Directory
James Forest, Waverly
Charlotte Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1854, page 87]

March 16-17, 1855 -Shiloh Church - Montgomery County, Tennessee
Minister absent: J. Forrest
[Source: "Extract of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, April 5, 1855, page 1]

October 19, 1855 - Pleasant Valley Congregation - Humphreys County, Tennessee
Minister absent: Jas Forrest
[Source: "Extract of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, November 23, 1855, page 1]

March 21, 1856 - Walnut Grove Church - Humphreys County, Tennessee
On motion, Rev. A. A. Wilson and Rev. J. B. Lowery and Elder J. Y. Knight were appointed a committee to draft resolutions relative to the death of Rev. James Forest; and A. A. Wilson was directed to prepare a suitable Obituary, and send to the Banner of Peace for publication.
Whereas, This Presbytery has received intelligence of the death of one of its members, Rev. James Forrest, and he having been a preacher of the Gospel for some 30 years or more, therefore,
Resolved, That whilst we feel to bow with humble reverence and submission to this inscrutible providence of the Allwise dispose of all things, whose ways and thoughts are not ours; nevertheless, as a Presbytery, we feel that we have sustained an irrepairable loss--one of our safest counsellors and most zealous ministers has fallen. As the ripe shock for the threshing floor, Bro. Forrest had fully matured for his everlasting inheritance, and we have the comfortable assurance that he is now reaping his recompensive reward in "the sunbright clime" of uninterrupted joys.
Resolved further, That in view of his death, and the diminished number of ministers in the Charlotte Presbytery, that the church in her bounds is admonished to humble herself in prayer to Almighty God, to call and commission more laborers in his vineyard.
Resolved, That we feel to sympathize with his bereaved companion and fatherless children, and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to them.
A. A. Wilson, J. B. Lowery, J. Y. Knight, Com.
[Source: "Extract of the Minutes of the Charlotte Presbytery," The Banner of Peace and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, April 24, 1856, page 1]

Bro. Langdon:
In accordance with an order of the Charlotte Presbytery, at its last meeting, I send you an obiturary [sic: obituary] notice of Rev. James Forrest.
He was born in the State of North Carolina on the 15th of January 1795--came to Humphrey [sic: Humphreys] co., Tenn., when a youth--served a tour in the war of 1812 and was at the battle of New Orleans an [sic: on] the 8th of January 1815.
He was married to Sarah Dunlap on the 8th of February 1816--in a few years made profession of religion, at a campmeeting at Old Richland Campground in Humphrey [sic: Humphreys] county, and joined the C. P. Church. He was licensed to preach the gospel of Christ by the Nasville [sic: Nashville] Presbytery, about the autumn of 1821, and was subsequently ordoined [sic: ordained] by the Charlotte Presbytery, and died on Sabbath evening 4 o'clock, March 16th 1856, having spent about 34 years as a minister of Christ. His ministry was that of a plain unequivocal common-sense preacher. He was an acute thinker, and elucidated the doctrines of the cross, and enforced practical religion, rebuked ungodliness, and warned sinners in a manner not to be misunderstood by any, and yet in a manner to which none could reasonably object. The Charlotte Presbytery, being previously diminished in numbers by the emigration of its members westward, feels this to be a grievous blow, and his death is much lamented by the church in her bounds.
The writer heard his last two sermons, these a faithful warning to sinners and exhortation to the christians. He said "dear friends, this may be the last time that I shall invite you to the foot of the cross." This language proved to be prophetic--But how little did that congregation think of it?--How indifferent did careless sinners hear the last offer of mercy from a faithful Ambassador of Christ? And he perhaps little thought that he was finishing his work on earth. Yet it proved to be true; and many may adopt the words of the Prophet. "Howl fir tree, for the cedar is fallen." If a good man and faithful minister of Christ, in the midst of his usefulness, may be cut short of his three score and ten? how much more the ungodly!
He left a bereaved companion and five children all of mature age except one, and five had gone before him. While his family and many friends are made to mourn his absence on earth, some doubtless rejoice to meet him in the presence of the Lord. But our loss is his gain; and though we lament, he rejoices; having his pasport [sic: passport] sealed he has gone to accept the invitation "enter into the joy of the Lord," and with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and his five children, sit down in the kingdom." in "that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens," there to do as he was want to do on earth--to sing the song of deliverance and shout the praises of a Redeemer, and also to await the arrival of his companion and other five children, and his brethren in the ministry, and "the General Assembly of the church of the first born." Let us arise and go hence.  A. A. Wilson.

To the above, we have a word to add. Our personal acquaintance with Bro. Forrest was limited, but he frequently wrote to us on business, and we felt an unusnal [sic: unusual] attachment for him. The particular remark we have to give concerning him, we will give in his own language. In the fall of 1853, he said: "The most money I ever had of my own, at one time was sixty dollars; I will give Ten dollars towards supporting a Missionary in China whenever the Board will send the man." If we mistake not, he had already paid five dollars to the missionary cause of the meeting.
He was then an old man and a veteran minister. He had fought for his country by the side of Jackson at New Orleans, and had often proved himself to be a viliant [sic: valiant] soldier of the cross. For more than thirty years he had as a herald of salvation, but had never possessed at one time, more than sixty dollars! And yet in his poverty he was willing to give, and did give something to the cause of his God. Many who are worth thousands feel, when they have given five dollars, that they have done something worth note! He cast in his might, and we do not suppose he gave too much; but how much should be given by the man who is worth a hundred times as much as he was? Fifty, perhaps five hundred dollars would not be so much in proportion as five was for him.
But he has gone to his reward. His treasure was laid up in heaven, And, Oh! what a treasure! An inheritance--a crown--palms of victory--and a "far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." He is rich now! He is at home in his Fathers' house. Ed. Banner.
[Source: "The Banner of Peace, and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate," May 15, 1856, page 3, Vol. XIV No. 33]

Forrest Family Information


Forrest Family Bible

Updated April 17, 2018

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