Unification Task Force
Unification Task Force
Welcome to the Unification Task Force Web Site!
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America share a common heritage and a common Confession of Faith. Many co-operative relationships and partnerships provide united ministries. The witness of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America would be greatly enhanced through a union of the two denominations. New areas of united work will bring this union closer to reality.
In June 2012, the General Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church formed a Unification Task Force to work towards
the organic union of the two denominations.
In June 2014, the General Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church approved that a Proposed Plan For Union be made available to individuals, congregations, presbyteries, synods and denominational boards and agencies for study and feedback.
In June 2016, the General Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church approved that the revised Plan For Union be made availalbe for study and response/feedback from both denominations.
In June 2019, the General Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church approved the Plan For Union:
(Packet incudes Plan for Union, along with draft copies of new GA Bylaw and Constitutional Amendments for study and response)
NEXT STEP: The plan will now be sent to all presbyteries in both denominations for their approval (by simple majority vote). The vote for unification will be finalized, when approved by a majority of the presbyteries (8 CPCA Presbyteries and 13 CPC Presbyteries).
Comments and feedback to the Bylaws and Consitutional Amendments may be shared with the task force by using the online response form (click here) or mailed to:
Office of the General Assembly Office of the General Assembly
Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America Cumberland Presbyterian Church
226 Church Street NW 8207 Traditional Place
Huntsville, AL 35801-5596 Cordova, TN 38016
The Task Force hopes that through these webpages, news and updates about unification can be shared. We hope you will visit these pages on regular basis.