Bethel College

McLemoresville, Carroll County, Tennessee


In 1872 Bethel College moved to McKenzie, Tennessee

Bethel University Today


McLemoresville, Tennessee

There are already four elegant recitation rooms, well furnished, and we have laid the corner-stone of another college edifice, to be one hundred and twelve feet long, thirty wide, to contain two additional recitation rooms, two apparatus rooms, and dormitories to accommodate about fifty students; and also a splendid dome, arranged so as to be used for an observatory. This edifice will be completed about the first of February.
[Source of text: A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Bethel College, For the Collegiate Year, Commencing on the 17th September, 1850, and Closing 17th July, 1851.]

In addition to our other buildings, we have just completed a neat and commodious college edifice one hundred and twelve feet long and thirty wide, containing a large recitation room and an apparatus room, and twelve dormitories, each large enough to accommodate four students; and also a handsome dome which is now used for an observatory.
[Source of text: A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Bethel College, M'Lemoresville, Tenn., For the Collegiate Year, Commencing on the 18th September, 1851, and Closing 15th July, 1852.]


Photo of the Main Campus Building
Bethel College - McLemoresville, Tennessee
This building was torn down in 1912.



Photo of old Main Campus Building of Bethel College after it was sold to the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886
At this time it was known as the McLemoresville Collegiate Institute
Photo was taken between 1900 and 1905

Bethel College Catalogue 1850-1851


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Updated September 7, 2016