Ripley Presbytery

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

1854 - 1859

1854 - Formed from Madison Presbytery by West Tennessee Synod.

Resolved that there be a new Presbytery formed out of Territory, now belonging to the Madison Presbytery, - the line to commence on the Mississippi river, at the mouth of Hatchie river, thence up Hatchee to Chaney's Ferry - Thence with the road, from said ferry to Brownsville, leaving the town of Brownsville in Madison Presbytery . Thence with the road from Brownsville to Poplar Corner Ferry, on South Forkideer river - Thence up said Forkideer river, to Campbell's Turnpike, - Thence with the road to Jackson, leaving Jackson in Madison Presbytery - Thence with the Mobile and Ohio Rail Road, North, to the Middle fork of Forkideer river - Thence down said river to the beginning. - Said Presbytery to be composed of Young A. McLemore, Hugh N. Rose, and William Smith, and Y. A. McLemore, be the first Moderator and in case of his absence, H. N. Rose, and that the new Presbytery, be called by the name of Ripley, and meet at Salem meeting house, Gibson County, Tennessee, on Friday before the second Sabbath in April next, at 7 o'clock P.M. 1855.
[Source: Minutes of West Tennessee Synod, October 13, 1854, pages 47-48.]

1859 - Last appearance in the General Assembly Minutes.

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Updated April 25, 2013