J. W. Knight
Elder delegate from Arlington Cumberland Presbyterian
[Source: Minutes of Clarksville
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 28-29,
1944, page 1]
Rev. A. L.
Thomas extended an invitation to anyone wishing to converse with
the presbytery on an internal call to the ministry. The invitation
was accepted by Jimmie Knight of Erin. On motion, he was received
as a candidate for the ministry by the presbytery.
by Miss Anna Belle Harris as counselor of presbyterial young people's
work, field worker in vacation church school work; ... The following
were elected as the officiers for the year 1944-1945: Margaret
Highsmith (Mt. Denson), president; Roy Smith (Mt. Liberty), first
vice-president; Jimmie Knight (Arlington), second vice president;
Dorothy Rudolph (Clarksville), secretary; Christine Harvey (Mt.
Liberty), treasurer.
[Source: Minutes
of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
September 26-27, 1944, pages 22, 24]
Jimmie Knight
- Candidate present - Clarksville Presbytery
of the Committee on Literature and Theology. We note the progress
of James Hyde and Jimmie Knight, and 1. We recommend that they
continue in college. 2. We further recommend that Candidate Jimmie
Knight be licensed to preach the gospel, at the hour of 7:15 this
evening, by the chariman, A. L. Thomas.
In accordance
with the recommendation of the Committee on Literature and Theology,
Rev. A. L. Thomas conducted the licensing of Candidate Jimmie
Knight, after which he was enrolled as a licentiate of Clarksville
Jimmy Knight conducted the devotional.
Scripture lesson, 10th chapter of John.
Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 27-28, 1945, pages 1, 3, 4 & 5]
Knight, James
- Erin, Tenn.
Licentiate - Clarksville
Presbytery - Tennessee
Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1945, page 253]
Report of
the Committee on Literature and Theology. The committee has had
before then Licentiates James Hyde and James W. Knight. Both are
in Bethel College. It is the opinion of the committee that both
young men are making progress, and we recommend that they continue
their work in college. Therefore, we recommend that student aid
be continued for both.
Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, September 25, 1945, page 20]
present, Jimmie Knight
Report of Committee on
Literature and Theology. We have talked with Brother Jimmie Hyde
and Brother Jimmie Knight, and find they are doing good work in
school and preaching.
Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 26, 1946, pages 1 & 3]
Knight, James
W. - Erin, Tenn.
Licentiate - Clarksville
Presbytery - Tennessee
Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1946, page 218]
The moderator
read the request for the called meeting of presbytery for the
purpose of ordaining James Wade Knight, signed by three ministers
and two elders in the bounds of the presbytery
communication was read from Rev. A. L. Thomas, chairman of the
Committee on Literature and Theology, which is in part: "Brother
Jimmy Knight . . . has a call to a full time pastorate in Illinois
and they require his ordination. As chairman on Literature and
Theology, is qualification is O. K. I have the authroity from
Brother M. C. Powers and Brother J. W. Elder to issue the call
and sign their names."
This was accepted as
a recommendation from the Committee on Literature and Theology,
and the motion was made to proceed with the ordination of James
Wade Knight to the full work of the gospel ministry. The motion
was seconded and passed unanimously.
Recess was
called until the candidate for ordination arrived
candfidate for ordination having arrived the moderator called
the meeting to order and Rev. James Hyde led in prayer.
service of ordination began with Rev. C. P. Mayhew reading I Corinthians
9: 9-17. Brother Mayhew commented briefly upon the Scripture stressing
the importance of the work of the ministry.
H. C. Walton, Jr., propounded the questions as outlined in the
Confession of Faith to Licentiate James Wade Knight which were
answered in the affirmative. Brother Walton led the prayer with
the laying on of hands, after which he gave the charge.
motion was made the Rev. James Wade Knight be enrolled as an ordained
minister in Clarkville Presbytery. Motion carried.
[Source: Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, August 15, 1946, pages 9 &
motion, Rev. James W. Knight of Clarksville Presbytery, and Rev.
L. E. Mathews of Memphis Presbytery were invited to a seat as
members in council.
Recess out, the moderator called
presbytery to order. Rev. James W. Knight led the opening prayer.
At. the close of the message, Rev. James Knight took
charge of the communion service with the following elders assisting:
Loyd McLaughlin, Arthur Woods, G. L. Awick, John Bierhaus.
[Source: Minutes of Lincoln-Decatur
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September
3-4, 1946, pages 3, 6 & 9]
James W.
Knight - absent
A communication from Rev. James
Wade Knight asking for a letter of dismissal, was given. The presbytery
voted to grant his request for this letter.
[Source: Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1946, pages
11 & 13]
James W.
Knight - Minister Present
Served on the Committee
on Church Records.
[Source: Minutes
of Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
March 11, 1947, pages 1, 2, 5, 6 & 16]
Knight, James
- Richard City, Tenn.
Minister - Obion Presbytery
- West
Tennessee Synod
Pastor - Bethlehem Cumbeland
Presbyterian Church (session clerk R. E. Thomas lived in Union
City, Tennessee)
Pastor - Trimble Cumberland Presbyterian
Church - Trimble, Tennessee
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1947, pages 176, 229, 236]
James W.
Knight - Minister Present
Communications were then
called for the The Letters of Rev. James W. Knight of Obion Presbytery,
and J. E. Powers, of McMinnville Presbytery were read, and received
and on motion th Clerk was instructed to enter their names on
the rollas ordained ministers of Elk Presbytery.
on the Committee on Resolutions.
Rev. James W.
Knight brought the devotional on the thought of A Forward March,
using as a text Exodus 14: 15. Speak to the children that they
go forward.
[Source: Minutes
of Ek Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April
22-23, 1948, pages 1, 2, 3 & 4]
Knight, James
W. - Cowan, Tenn.
Minister - Elk Presbytery - Tennessee
Pastor - Cowan Cumberland Presbyterian
Church - Cowan, Tennessee
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1948, pages 182 & 238]
J. W. Knight
asked for his letter, which was granted by vote.
[Source: Minutes of Ek Presbytery of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1949, page 3]
Knight, James
- Maryville, Tenn.
Minister - Knoxville Presbytery
- East Tennessee Synod
also listed as Knight, Jimmie
- Maryville, Tenn. in Elk Presbytery, Tennessee Synod
- Clarks Grove - Maryville, Tennessee
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1949, pages 177, 242 & 254]
On motion,
Rev. James Knight was admitted into Knoxville Presbyery by a letter
of dismissal and recommendation from Elk Presbytery.
by Rev. James Knight.
Minutes of Knoxville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, September 15-16, 1949, pages 3 & 5]
14, 1950 - At a meeting the presbyterial commission, commissioned
by Knoxville Presbytery to grant and receive letters between the
sittings of presbytery, held at the fifth Sunday rally at Knoxville,
Tennesee the fifth Sunday in January the commission granted letters
of dismissal and Recommendation to Reverend W. E. Miller and Reverend
James Knight at their own requst. The letters were granted on
regular motion and secnd by members of the commission.
[Source: Minutes of Knoxville Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 4, 1950, pages 3, 7]
On motion
the letters of dismissal and recommendations of Rev. James
Knight and Rev. W. E. Miller from Knoxville Presbytery and
Rev. A. D. Rudolph of Ewing Presbytery were accepted and their
names placed on the active roll of Ordained Ministers.
[Source: Minutes of the Lebanon Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 11, 1950, page 5]
Knight, James
- Hendersonville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon
Presbytery - Tennessee
Pastor - Beech
Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Hendersonville, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1950, pages
193 & 245]
Knight, James
- Hendersonville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon
Presbytery - Tennessee
Pastor - Beech
Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Hendersonville, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1951, pages
205 & 261]
Knight, James
- Hendersonville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon
Presbytery - Tennessee
Pastor - Beech
Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Hendersonville, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1952, pages
187 & 243]
Knight, James
- 401 Bryan, Denton, Texas
Minister - Lebanon
Presbytery - Tennessee
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1953, pages 252 & 264]
A letter
was read from Rev. James Knight in which he asked for a letter
of dismission and recommendation. Same was granted.
[Source: Minutes of the Lebanon Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 13, 1953, page 6]
Rev. James
Knight, pastor of the Denton church presented his letter and was
received into the Presbytery. Rev. Knight was nominated for moderator
by Rev. Rilley and was elected by acclimation.
[Source: Minutes of Dallas Presbytery of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, March 9, 1954, page 4]
Knight, James
W. (SS) - 401 Bryan St., Denton, Texas
Pastor -
Denton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Denton, Texas
Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, 1954, pages 231, 268 & 278]
Knight, James
W. (SS) - 401 Bryan St., Denton, Texas
Pastor -
Denton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Denton, Texas
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, 1955, Pages 212, 249 & 259]
Knight, James
W. (SS) - 401 Bryan St., Denton, Texas
Pastor -
Denton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Denton, Texas
to General Assembly in Cookeville, Tennessee, June 21-25, 1956.
Served on the Committee on Higher Education.
Evening Program held jointly with the Missionary Convention in
Convention Church. Rev. James Knight was on the panel to discuss
the subject "How Can the Church Be the Church."
Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1956, pages
20, 168, 172, 228, 266 & 279]
The Reverend
James W. Knight was enrolled as a member coming from Dallas Presbytery.
The Reverend James W. Knight was elected moderator.
"Operation Maturity"--Reverend James W.
Knight, Elder J. T. Buck, Jr., and Ruth Fowler put on a program
emphasizing the dealing with the young adult work as a program
for young adult development.
Report of Committee
on Missions and Evangelism. Pastoral Relations. The board reports
that Bolivar and Whiteville have asked for the services of Reverend
James Knight as supply Pastor for 1/2 time each and a salary of
$1800 from Bolivar and $1500 from Whitevllle. We recommend your
approval. - Adopted
[Source: Minutes
of Madison Presbytery March 26, 1957, pages 3, 4, 6, 15]
The Rev.
James W. Knight was recommended for Ministeral Aid.
[Source: Minutes of Madison Presbytery April 28, 1957,
page 3]
Knight, James
W., Whiteville, Tenn.
Minister - Madison Presbytery
Pastor (SS) - Bolivar Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- Bolivar, Tenn.
Pastor (SS) - Whiteville Cumberland
Pesbyterian Church - Whitefille, Tenn.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1957, pages 204, 206 & 225]
of Committee. Literature and Theology -- James W. Knight
our the Moderator called Presbytery to order and announced that
Rev. James W. Knight would preside and that Rev. Carl Ramsey,
Executive Secretary of the Denomination Board on Missions tne
Evangelism would bring the message.
Rev. James
W. Knight was at his own request granted a letter of Dismission
and Recommendation.
[Source: Minutes
of Madison Presbytery September 24, 1957, pages 4, 5, 6, 23]
James W.
Knight was received by letter and name enrolled with ordained
ministers of Mayfield Presbytery.
Motion carried
James W. Knight replace Rev. T. V. Warnick of Board of Literature
and Theology.
Report of Board of Missions and Evangelism.
We recommend the ratification of the following contract: Mt. Zion
with Rev. James W. Knight at $3,150 per year, indefinite call
and manse. Request to install.
Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery, October 8-9, 1957, pages 7, 8,
9, 11, 18]
Roll of Ministers
- Present: James W. Knight, RFD, Fulton, Ky.
commission appointed to install Rev. James Knight at Mt. Zion
Church reports that all members of the commission were present
and duly installed Rev. Knight on the 2nd Sunday in Nov. at 2:30.
Signed Rev. Roy Shelton, E. Thach Shauf & A. Ray Faith.
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery,
April 8, 1958, pages 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 17 & 18]
Knight, James
W., Rt. 1, Water Valley, Ky.
Minister - Mayfield
Pastor - Mt. Zion Cumberland Presbyterian
Church - Water Valley, Ky.
1958 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1958, pages 28 & 69]
Directory. Committee of Literature and Theology -- Rev. James
W. Knight, Rt. 1, Water Valley, Ky.
Board of Publication
and Christian Education -- Rev. James W. Knight, Rt. 1, Water
Valley, Ky. (Term expires Oct. 1961)
Minister Present:
James W. Knight -- Rt. 1, Water Valley, Ky.
on the Committee of Church Session Records.
Report of Mayfield Presbyterial Board of Publication & Christian
Ed. Disbursements: James Knight, Mileage to camp $7.00
to install Rev. Howard Herndon pastor of Wingo Church was accepted
.We, the commission to install Rev. Howard Herndon, met at the
appointed time and place and completed the assignment so given
unto us. Signed, Rev. L. E. Moore, Jr., Rev. Allie D. Rudolph,
Rev. James W. Knight.
Communion sermon by Rev.
James W. Knight.
[Source: Minutes
of Mayfield Presbytery, October 7-8, 1958, pages 2, 3, 5, 6, 11,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21]
Directory. Committee of Literature and Theology -- Rev. James
W. Knight, Rt. 1, Water Valley, Ky.
Board of Publication
and Christian Education -- Rev. James W. Knight, Rt. 1, Water
Valley, Ky. (Term expires Oct. 1961)
Minister Present:
James W. Knight
Rev. James W. Knight spoke in the
interest of the work of establishing a church in Mayfield, Ky.
Rev. James T. Cooper and Rev. James W. Knight elected
as General Assembly commissioners.
Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery, April 7, 1959, page 4, 5 7, 8]
Knight, James
W., Rt. 1, Water Valley, Ky.
Minister - Mayfield
Pastor - Mt. Zion Cumberland Presbyterian
Church - Water Valley, Ky.
1959 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1959, pages 28 & 68]
Knight, James
W., Ridgefarm, Ill.
Minister - Mayfield Presbytery
Others on Ministerial Roll: James W. Knight
[Source: 1960 Yearbook of the General Assembly of
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1960, pages 28 & 68]
Knight, James
W., 3028 S. W. 49th, Oklahoma City 19, Okla.
- Chickasaw Presbytery- Oklahoma Synod
Pastor -
Oklahoma City Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Oklahoma City,
[Source: 1961 Yearbook
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1961, pages 34 & 68]
[1961 - In reorganization of Oklahoma Synod congregations split into Northeast Oklahoma Presbytery (Oklahoma City, Tecumseh, Wichita) and Oklahoma Western Presbytery (Amorita, Latta, Liberty, Marlow, Owen's Prairie)]
Knight, James
W. 1424 S. W. 69th St., Oklahoma City. Okla.
- Chickasaw Presbytery- Oklahoma Synod
Pastor -
St. Marks Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Oklahoma City, Okla.
[Source: 1962 Yearbook of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1962, pages
34, 77 & 94]
Knight, James
W., 2413 Altadena Rd., Birmingham 13, Ala.
- Birmingham Presbytery - Alabama-Florida-Mississippi Synod
Pastor - Rocky Ridge Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- Birmingham, Ala.
[Source: 1963
Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1963, pages 10, 78 & 91]
Knight, James
W., 3537 Laurel View Lane, Birmingham Ala. Tel. 822-2280
- Birmingham Presbytery - Alabama-Florida-Mississippi Synod
[Source: 1964 Yearbook of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1964, pages
10, 79 & 92]
Leaving the Denomination.
Name: Knight, James W.
Presbytery: Birmingham
To: U.P.U.S.A.
[Source: 1965 Yearbook of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1965, page
Pastor of
the new church development in New Haven, Indiana. Covenant United
Presbyterian Church.
Knight, James
W., 109 Fonville, Martin, Tennessee 38237, Tel. 587-3771
- Hopewell Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
- Martin Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 312 Main St., Martin,
[Source: 1967 Yearbook
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1967, pages 61, 80 & 99]
Knight, James
W., 109 Fonville, Martin, Tennessee 38237, Tel. 587-3771
- Hopewell Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
- Martin Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 312 Main St., Martin,
Ministers Gained From Other Denominations.
Name: Knight, James W.
1968 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1968, pages 61, 80, 88 & 100]
Knight, James
W., McKenzie, Tennessee 38201
Minister - Hopewell
Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Others on Ministerial
Roll - James W. Knight (SS)
1969 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1969, page 61 & 81]
Knight, James
W., McKenzie, Tennessee 38201
Minister - Hopewell
Presbytery - West Tennessee Synod
Others on Ministerial
Roll - James W. Knight (SS)
1970 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1970, pages 61 & 80]
Knight, James
W., Rt. 1, Hendersonville, TN 37075
Minister -
Nashville Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Pastor -
Beech Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville,
[Source: 1971 Yearbook
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1971, pages 53 & 81]
Knight, James
W., Rt. 1, Hendersonville, TN 37075
Minister -
Nashville Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
Pastor -
Beech Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville,
[Source: 1972 Yearbook
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1972, pages 53 & 81]
Knight, James
W., Long Hollow Pk. Rt. 1, Hendersonville, TN 37075
- Nashville Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
- Beech Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville,
[Source: 1973 Yearbook
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1973, pages 53, 81]
Knight, James
W., 841 Magnolia, Bowling Green, KY 42101
- Logan Presbytey - Kentucky Synod
Pastor - Bowling
Green Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 807 Campbell Ln., Bowling
Green, Kentucky
[Source: 1974
Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1974, pages 30 & 81]
The Reverend
James W. Knight, pastor host, welcomed the Assembly and Convention.
Resolution. B. To the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
of Bowling Geen for inviting the General Assembly; to the Reverend
James W. Knight, pastor host; to the Reverend Donald Carter, worship
director, and to those who assisted him.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, June 17-21, 1974 in Bowling
Green, Kentucky, page 190 & 210]
Knight, James
W., 841 Magnolia, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel. 502-842-2297
Minister - Logan Presbytey - Kentucky Synod
- Bowling Green Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 807 Campbell Ln.,
Bowling Green, Kentucky
1975 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1975, pages 30, 80 & 95]
Knight, James
W., 841 Magnolia, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel. 502-842-2297
Minister - Logan Presbytey - Kentucky Synod
- Bowling Green Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 807 Campbell Ln.,
Bowling Green, Kentucky
1976 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1976, pages 30, 80 & 95]
James W.
Knight - Commissioner to General Assembly from Logan Presbytery.
Worship Director: The Reverend James Knight, 807 Campbell
Lane, Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101
The GeneraL
Assembly and the Eleventh Convention of Cumberland Presbyterian
Women met jointly for their opening worship service at three o'clock
in th afternoon. The Assembly Worship Director, the Reverend James
W. Knight, Logan Presbytery, was assisted by the liturgists, the
Reverends David A. Brown and John S. Smith, Moderators of the
144th and 124th General Assemblies.
Second Day-Tuesday-June22,
1976. The morning devotions were led by the Reverend James W.
Knight, Assembly Worship Director.
Special Committee
on Program Agency Structure and Referrals - Chairperson, Rev.
James Knight; Co-Chairperson, Rev. Charles Hughes.
Day-Thursday-June 24, 1976. The morning devotions were led by
the Reverend James Knight, Assembly Worship Director.
Number 1 of the Nominating Committee. 7. Boad of Missions. Rev.
James Knight, Logan Presbytery, for a three-year term.
led by the Reverend James Knight.
Evening Program
- Celebration of the Lord's Supper, the Reverend James Knight,
General Assembly Board of Missions.
Rev. James W. Knight, member whose term expires in 1979.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, June 20-24, 1976, in Tulsa,
Oklahoma, pages 7, 15, 19 170, 172, 175, 178, 196, 207]
Knight, James
W., 841 Magnolia, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel. 502-842-2297
Minister - Logan Presbytey - Kentucky Synod
- Bowling Green Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 807 Campbell Ln.,
Bowling Green, Kentucky
1977 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1977, pages 30, 85 & 96]
Knight, James
W., 841 Magnolia, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Tel. 502-842-2297
Minister - Logan Presbytey - Kentucky Synod
- Bowling Green Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 807 Campbell Ln.,
Bowling Green, Kentucky
1978 Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1978, pages 30, 85 & 96]
General Assembly
Board of Missions.
Rev. James W. Knight, 806 Campbell
Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42101
Member whose term
expires in 1979
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1978, page 8]
James W.
Knight - 811 Campbell Lane, Bowling Green, KY 42101
- Logan Presbytey - Kentucky Synod
Pastor - Bowling
Green Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 807 Campbell Ln., Bowling
Green, Kentucky
[Source: 1978
Yearbook of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1979, pages 5, 30, 84 & 96]
[To Be Continued