The last General Assembly, convened at Evansville, Indiana, referred to the Board of Publication the propriety of publishing in book form the addresses delivered in that city on the occasion of the celebration of the semi-centennial General Assembly. The favor with which these addresses were received seem to fully justify the belief that their preservation in book form is generally desired by the members of the Church. In accordance with this belief this volume is presented.
It also occurred to the Board that an introduction to these addresses, consisting of the "Circular Letter" issued by the founders of the Church in 1810, and a short account of the formation of the various judicatures of the Church, would be interesting and appropriate. The latter is embodied in a series of historical memoranda, obtained from the Minutes of the General Assembly. Of the Circular Letter, an original printed copy is in my possession as Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. In its republication in this volume, the orthography and punctuation, as well as the italics and capitals, of the original, have been preserved.
The "Historical Memoranda" are derived from the original manuscript Minutes. This paper is intended especially to present the facts as to the organization of the different judicatures of the Church, so far as the same may be obtained from the Minutes. Such parts of this paper as are in quotation marks are copies from the original Minutes.
The labor bestowed upon the preparation of the Historical Memoranda
requiring, as it has, the reading over of the entire Minutes from
which extracts have been made, will be richly repaid should should
the matter here presented enable the reader to form a correct
conception and just appreciation of the labors performed by the
founders of our Church, and by those consecrated, faithful men
who have carried forward the work which they began.
Nashville, Tenn., May 31, 1880.
A Circular Letter - pages 5-14
Historical Memoranda - pages 15-44
In General Assembly, May 21 & 24, 1880 - pages 45-46
J. L. Dillard - pages 47-56
"The Distinctive
Doctrines which form the Theological Basis upon which our Denomination
was Organized."
Richard Beard - pages 56-62
Sketch, briefly setting forth the early history and progress of
the Church."
H. A. Hunter - pages 62-65
Brief Biographical
Sketch from memory of the Fathers and early Ministers of the Church.
Address--Rev. A. J. McGlumphy - pages 65-72
Field and Work of our Church in Prospective, as indicated by the
Blessings of Providence in the Past, and the Expectation of the
same for the Future.