Minutes of Cumberland Presbytery

[of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church]


Intermediate Presbytery

February 12 - 13, 1813


     The intermediate Presbytery met in the bounds of Mount Moriah, on the second Friday of February, it being the twelfth of said month, 1813, agreeably to appointment, for the purpose of attending to the trials of Messrs. Barnett and Chapman preparatory to their ordination.
   Members present: Messrs. Ewing, Harris, and Calhoon.
   Mr. Ewing was chosen moderator and Mr. Calhoon clerk. Constituted by prayer.
   Mr. Chapman delivered a discourse from Rom. V, 7, Mr. Barnett from John III, 16, which were sustained; after which the Presbytery proceeded to examine them on Natural and Moral Philosophy, Geography, Astronomy, and English Grammar.
   Ordered, that there will be a recess until to-morrow morning, sunrise.

   The Presbytery resumed the examination and examined on Church History and Divinity, all of which were sustained. Mr. Calhoon proceeded to preach the ordination sermon, from Mal. II, 7, after which Mr. Ewing, agreeably to the forms in the discipline and constitution of the Cumberland Presbytery, proposed the necessary questions, all of which being satisfactorily answered, the Presbytery proceeded and set apart the said William Barnett and Alexander Chapman to the whole work of the ministry, by imposition of hands and solemn prayer. Afterwards a solemn charge was given them by Mr. Ewing, the whole concluded by prayer.                                                            FINIS EWING, Moderator.
   Feb. 13, 1813.


Index of Assembly Meetings, Officers and Minutes


Updated April 15, 2009

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